Chatper 15 - Our little Secret

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After what was probably a while of preparation, it was Lonzo's baby shower.
The day was here.
I'm not going to deny I do think he's a bit young to be dad but hey, everyone's ready when they're ready right ?

"You almost done ?" Tay asks.
"Yeah I just need to grab my shoes one second" I tell her as I go to my closet.

I've never actually talked to Denise but she seems lovely so we will probably get along.

"Okay let's go" I smile ready.
We arrive at the place they were holding the shower and it's an outside sort of scenery and its unreal, like honestly beautiful.

"Wow" I say as I look around.
It's not even time yet and the place was already packed.
"Crazy right ? And get this, Tina picked out the colours and designed most of it"
"Awh oh my gosh really" I put my hand on my heart.

Tina was the boys mom who had a stroke I believe a couple years back and has been trying to recover ever since and every day she just keeps getting better and better.

"Here lets go over to the boys" we walk over to Gelo, Zo and Dmo who was another friend.

"Well boys you guys cleaned up nicely" I say checking them out.
Not in that sense , but you know it doesn't hurt to look right ?

"Thank you, you girls look unreal" Dmo says.

"Awh thank you" we say at the same time.

"Guys guys guys !" Lamar rushes over to us out of breath.

"I just need a quick favour"

"What's the matter" I ask concerned.

"We're.. We're...."

"What is it Lavar ?"

"Ice *pants* someone get ice in the back" he points to the back room.

"Ok ok I'll go grab it, just take a minute ok" I say as I head over to the back room.

"Ice ice ice" I look around.

Where on earth is th- AHH" I scream when I bump into someone.

"Oh my gosh chill out its only me"

And my heart comes to peace when I realise who it is by the sound of their voice.

"Lamelo please why are you back here ?!"

"Nice to see you too"

I'll tell you this , it's really hard to be scared when Lamelo is here looking amazing like this.
Like hashtag impossible.

"Well I'm here for the same reason as you"

"What looking for murder ?!"

"Ok first of all relax" I roll my eyes at him.

"And second of all my dad sent me here for ice like an hour ago"he looks at his watch.

"You know what I'm just gonna find this stupid ice before it melts and I end up bringing out a bag of water" i walk in the other direction when I feel my arm being pulled right back around.


"What is it Lamelo , Lavar is waiting for me outside" I point outside.


"What ?"

"What I said yesterday, why are you avoiding it?"

"Lamelo you want us to have some kind of fling while we are in relationships with other people, but I'm sorry, I just can't disrespect Jack like that even Lanessa"

"But you want to be with me ?!"

"You don't know that !"

"I do know !"

"What are you sidekick ?!"

"I guess so !"

"Oh my gosh !" I run my hands through my hair.

"Why are you like this ?
Why not just break up with Lanessa to prove your loyalty, cause if this plan goes through what am I gonna be your late night booty call ?" I shake my head and return back outside.

I jut can't , part of me sort of kind of Wanted to follow up on this plan but the other is just saying that if I do I'll be the most stupid person alive.
So nope I'm going down that ride.

"Hey" I slouch as I take a seat next to Tay.

"Did you get the ice ?"

"What the fuck is everyone's problem with ice like , can you not drink your juices warm ?!" I yell.
And everyone at the table and the few around us just stare at me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to yell" I clear my throat.
"I couldn't find any"

"Well don't worry your mood is about to go from Zero to one hundred really quick babe" she nudges me.

"What are you talking about ?"

"Turn around"

I thought I would have been happier to see what's in front of me.
But I was glad, Why Don't We here, again to make a performance.
I smile when I see him,

Jacks here.


"I would say you were amazing but I'm pretty sure I've don't that like a thousand times" as I hug Jack.

"Don't worry about it babe, I never get tired of it"

I get butterflies when he says babe.

"You didn't tell me you were coming here"

"Of course not I wanted to surprise you with two things Tonight"

"Two things ?"

"Yeah the performance is one and the second is asking you out on a date tomorrow night"

I just stare into his eyes which just draws me too him.

"Jack I wo-"

"Hey Karis time for photos !!!"I get dragged away by Lamelo.

"Hey hey let me go !!" I fight him off.
"What the fuck is your problem dude ?!!"

"Dude who still says that ?" He laughs.

"This isn't funny you idiot ! Jack was asking me on a date surprising me, and you grabbed me away before I could respond !!"

I've never been more annoyed in my entire life.

"Eh yeah that's the whole point duhhh" he giggles.

"I can't believe you, just cause I don't want to be with you, your new tactic is forcing me and ruining too" I cross my arms.

"You want me, and you know deep down that you do" he steps closer.

"No I fucking don't" I grit m teeth.

"So you don't care if I do this"
He leans in.... And kisses me.

I'm kissing Lamelo Ball, I fucking kissing Lamelo Ball.

I pull away out of breath.

"So this is what our little secret?" He smirks.

"I guess so" I lean back in.

I'm so fucked.

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