Chapter 4

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"And three, two, one smile !"

The girls and I were taking a few photos with the championship since the night was really over.
I had such An amazing time tonight.

"Wait wait let me get in this last one !" Melo says.

"Alright Melo hop in" Tay's Mom allows.

Melo squeezes in between me and Tay.

"And three, two one" She takes the photo.
"Awh it's lovely" the girls and I crowd around to see the photo.

"Thank you so much girls for all coming and well done on an amazing year, youse can all start to head home now"

"No problem" we thank her.


I was one of the last to leave, but before I was gonna head home I wanted to speak to Lamelo.

I knock on the guest room door where he was staying hoping he'll answer.

"You just can't escape me can't you" He opens the door.

"I guess not" I laugh.
"Can I come in ?"

He nods and steps to the side.

"So what's up" he sits next to me on his bed.

"Well not much really I just wanted to know when you were leaving since I was about to head home"

"Well today is what?"

"Thursday" I respond.

"Yeah well my team is heading to Houston on Saturday so I'll be leaving tomorrow I guess" he says a bit sad.

"You excited to go ?" I break the silence.

I've known him like what 5 minuets and I really don't want him to leave.
What's this coming over me ?

"Well of course cause I love the sport but I want to be here, get to know you a little better" he nudges me a bit.

"Don't worry we'll probably meet again, when your in the NBA and I'm in the WNBA trust me"

"I know you'll get there, cause your amazing Karis" he takes my hand.

I look up at the clock to see it's going 10pm in 5 minuets.

"Listen I really should start heading home, my stepdads in the house for the weekend and I know he'll say something bad if I come back late" I stand up.

"Well it was really nice meeting you and I guess I'll see you.. when In the future ?"

"I guess so" I giggle.

"Goodbye Lamelo" I head out the door.

The question is will I ever see him again?

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