Chapter 11 - Jack

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"I'm going home and none of youse are stopping me !" I yell at my mom.

"Excuse me I asked you to be here and that's what you'll do !" She grabs my hand.

"Why even bother, that's why you needed an excuse cause you knew I wouldn't of showed up" I spat.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that before I get your dad on the phone"she threatens.

"See if he'll care or even answer once he sees your name pop up on his phone" I smirk.

"You're ridiculous" She lets go and storms downstairs.

"Fucks sake !!" I yell as I run my hands through my hairs.

"You really have to ruin everything don't you" Taylor barges in.

"And what's your business in this ?"

"Mam is downstairs basically in bits, I mean the least you could do is be decent, it's not everyday play the villain"

"So am I supposed to listen to you now or what ?"

"You might not listen to me, but maybe him" she tosses me the phone and immediately knew who it was.

"Hello" I answer the phone.

"You know I hate when I get caught in the middle of this"

"Yeah well nobody asked dad" I sigh.

"No not that attitude with me please"

"Sorry" I mumble.

"Now you are going to stay at that party and make up that fight with you mother, and apologise when your Relaxed ok ? I don't want you swinging and punching around little kids, you know how your anger gets"

"I don't need to apologise Dad"

"Oh really So what you did was acceptable ?"

I don't respond.

"Exactly, now do what I asked and I have to head off but I will call back later"

"Bye Dad"

"Bye love" he hangs up the phone.

Guess I'm not going anywhere.


I groan as I check the time to see that I've got to be here for 2 more hours or my Dad will ring back.

"If only I could leave" I rub my head.

"I get what your feeling, I wish I could be with my friends" the boy who answered the door sits next to me.

"Why where do you need to be?" I turn to him.

"Well I could be using this time to practice"

"You play sports?" I ask.

"No I sing, I'm in a group.
My names Jack"

My names Jack"

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"My names-"

"Karis, I know who you are. I've heard nothing but good things about you"

I blush slightly, he has good charm.


"Yeah we have a few songs out on YouTube" I look into Jacks phone.

When I tell you these two hours have been the best spent, I'm honestly glad that I stayed.

Jack is amazing.
We have the same Interests in like everything, food, music and even clothes.

And now he's telling me about the boy group he's in.

"Yeah we have a few Original songs out on youtube I recommend you listen to them"

"Of course I would love to, you guys seem legit" I smile at him.

"Well you too seem legit" he nudges me.

"Here let's take a cute pic so I can tell my friends to follow you and your group"

"Ok but I'm not moving over there so you have to come over here"

"To sit where?"

"On my lap" He pats his thighs.

I just shrug and head over.
No harm right ?

"Right three two one" I take the photo.

"Awh this is cuteeeeee !" I squeal as I look the photo.

I got his and groups Instagram details and tagged them.

Within 5 minuets my notifications blew up with everyone asking who was Jack.

I was going through all when I come across Lamelo's message.

'Who's that ?' It reads.

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