Chapter 19

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1 Week Later
"I've never been more excited for training today" I lace my Jordan's.

"Trust me I can tell you've really been putting in work these past couple of days" Hayley puts her hair up in a high pony tail.

And she was right.
I've really been focusing basketball and I can just see my progress even though it's hasn't been that long.
Good this it distracts me so I don't have to deal with what's on my plate.

But I know I will have to... Eventually.

"Right you ready ?" I grab my water bottle.

"Let's do this"

We giggle and make are way towards the hall.


"Ok guys so we have another game this weekend against Notre Dame I believe they are an Irish team" Coach says.

As soon as she says Notre Dame murmurs went on in the background.
We all know them as the team who are literally so incredible, their drive, skills stamina oh lord I could go on forever.

You have all that, then imagine they're undefeated.
Hopefully we stand the slightest of chances.

"But it's ok guys cause we will be having Brian Alger helping us out. If you don't know who he is , he's the manager for the 3 time WNBA champions the LA Sparks" he introduces him as we give him a round of applause.

I definitely feel like with his coaching we'll do amazing.

"So he's here to give us a help out with training a bit of guidance to help us out for Saturday. He's scoping out some new talent because some of you sitting in the circle with be put forward for the draft at the end of the season"

It goes quiet.
I love my team with all my heart but after college it's every woman for themselves.
I need to start putting it extra work cause if not, I may not get drafted and play professional basketball.

If that doesn't happen in my life, I'll be devastated.


"Okay everyone back on the line !" Coach yells.

Everyone groans but I keep a fake smile on my face and jog back.
"Hey Karis" I look over to see Brian calling me.

"Yes" I smile and walk over to him.

"I can really see you putting in the work your doing amazing so far"

"Oh my gosh thank you so much"

"Like I told you last week your special, so I've decided to arrange for you to go down to the LA Sparks training facility if your not to tir-"

"Oh gosh no I'm fine look at me"

I looked like I was just after doing some sweaty bucket challenge with how drenched I was.
See I'm exhausted but of course I have to push until the end.

"Well you're gonna go down right now since that's the only time they're free, you'll meet some of the girls watch practice, just take a few pointers cause the way you play I think you'll be playing for us next year"

I couldn't stop smiling this is literally a dream come true, if my training gets me recognised like this , i wonder how I'm gonna play ok Saturday will.


"Oh my goodness"I get off the bus in front of the building.

"Oh my goodness"I get off the bus in front of the building

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"Here goes nothing" I brace myself as I walk inside.

It didn't take me that long to find the main hall cause I've imagined this like a million times.

But before you entered of course they're security.

I showed them the message that Brian sent me giving me permission to go inside and they let me.

"Thank you" I smile at them

I walk in and I could see them training and I stomach gets butterflies.

Who knows maybe a year from now I will be training her-

"Are you ok ?" My thoughts get interrupted.

Oh my fucking goodness.

"O-oh m-My g-goodness c-Candance P-Parker" I struggle to say.

"You must be Karis , I'm Candace nice to meet you, Brian let me know you were coming" she goes to shake my hand

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"You must be Karis , I'm Candace nice to meet you, Brian let me know you were coming" she goes to shake my hand.

"It's so amazing to see you, I-I mean meet you"

"Your ok" she giggles.

"Let me introduce you to the rest of the girls"


Training with the girls honestly went amazing.

Of course I wasn't able to train with them but got in for a few games.

Right now I was with Candace having sort of girl chat and her just giving me tips on how to do really well.

"So you skipped training for a guy ?"

"Yep" I nod shamelessly.

"Well, let me tell you this girl you haven't done that bad and let me tell you why"

"I'm listening" I look up.

"I once missed a high school final for a guy"

"What ?" I say shocked"

"Listen girl, we will always being doing stupid things for guys, but for you right now your at a very important place in your career.

You can't be loosing focus. And I'm gonna give you this for encouragement"

"Oh my gosh Candace" I gasp at the gift.

It was a signed jersey from her last game.

"When your about to get distracted look at this, and remember why you started"

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