Chapter 17 -Well fucking done

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"Look it's not like that" I turn to him.

"Well then tell me cause I don't think it's hard to understand, you cheated !"

"Woah woah , were not even together Jack"

"Yeah well tonight on This date I was actually gonna ask you to be my girlfriend tonight Karis"

"Oooooo" I hear from the boys in the back.

He turns to storm off so annoyed with me.

What did I do oh my gosh.

"Jack wait" I stop him.

"What?! He says angrily.

"Your my only ride home" I mumble.

"Just get in the car !" He walks out.

"Well done well fucking done" I roll my eyes at the guys behind me.

They just ruined everything.

And the worst thing about it is that it wasn't even their fault , it was mine for fucking kissing Lamelo.

Literally when I knew I had something good.


"Are you just going to ignore me this whole car ride ?"

He just grips the steering wheel aggressively in response.

"Look jack it wasn't like that ok, I'm - I'm sorry Jack I just don-" my sentence cuts off because my tears get the best of me.

What the fuck ughh !

"Jack please oh please just talk to me" I reach for him arms and he shrugs me away.

"I'm sorry" I mumble battling more tears following.

"We're here" He says bluntly as he pulls up to the front of my college.

I open the door ready to leave and I turn back to him.


He just stares forward not even looking at me.

I really messed up big time.


Next Day

I cannot  believe what happened last night !

Like literally lost Jack last night because of Lamelo.

What happened to it being our little secret?!

Exactly bullshit !

"Look we'll figure this out Karis" Hayley turns me around.

"No no and fucking no Hayley ! I just lost Jack for no god damn reason ! Are you kidding , Lamelo said he would keep it a secret Hayley" I rant to her.

Nobody will honestly know how bad I feel right now.

 Was it partly my fault ?

Of course I understand that, but the fact that he didn't hold up his end of the bargain... I don't know what on earth I was thinking.

"Look where are you going ?" She sees me putting on my shoes.

"Going to give him piece of his damn business" I aggressively lace my shoe.

"What does that's even mean" she steps in my way as I try to leave.

"It means I'm going to fucking kill him" I slam the door behind me.


On the bus I just think about everything .

Will doing this make the situation any better ?

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