Chapter 22 - Fun Times

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Next day I'm bright up nice and early with the team going out for a morning jog for training.

I'm pretty sure we have an upcoming game soon so as we should were starting to prepare.

"I bet you can't keep up" James runs up beside me.

We were training with the boys team today.

"Oh I bet you I can " the both of us begin to sprint.


"Wow your actually faster than I thought " he says out of breath as we walk back in the hall.

" I have a lot of stamina, you should cardio with me one day, you'll love it" I sip my water. 

"I'll probably hate it" we both laugh.

"But hey how did you get on last night with Melo ?"

"Emmmmm" I stall.

"Cmon spill. Or how you girly girly girls like saying it 'Spill it sister'"

"Oh my gosh HAHAHHAHA" I laugh at the funny accent he puts on.

"Trust me we are not like that, only the petty ones are"

"And your telling me your not Petty ?"

"Wowwww James" I playfully hit him.

"But last night, talk to me"

"Well I don't know if you know what's happened between us, in other words it's a lot.

But he kind of told me how sorry he was and when he was talking I kind of just felt bad, cause I just I dunno felt like I've treated him honestly like shit.

Like even though he's done wrong sometimes I tend to over exaggerate " I try to explain.

"Yeah yeah I get ya" he nods.

"But we ended things with a hug and that was kind of it, obviously we're not best friends immediately but it's something at least"

"That's good , believe it or not I'm actually happy for you guys"

"Thank you James, I really appreciate it " I smile at him.


"Well done Karis !" Coach claps as I do a layup.

I run back to mark James.

Today our main focus is playing a match with the boys team , so that way by playing against one another were helping each other and I love that idea.

"On your left Thalia !" I yell at her and she passes me the ball.

I head up dribbling but James gets me with the steal and goes the other direction, I sprint as I fast as I can and manage to get a block.

I run back up the other way doing dribbles around all defenders and I get a reverse layup in.

"Woooooo !!" Every cheers.

"I mean Karis you are on fire this morning" coach says.

"Thank you so much I've been practicing " I smile.


Practice was over and I was just packing up my stuff ready to leave.

"An arcade , what do I look like five ?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Well you are pretty short so y-"

"James ! You weren't supposed to answer that !" I laugh.

"Cmon girl it's going to be so fun, it's brand new for teenagers only and besides when was the last time you went to an arcade?"

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