Chapter 5 - Debut

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2 Year Later
"Ok Karis you move up front and really put pressure on number 27, no holding back" I Nod to my coach.

Today was a huge day for me, I was making my debut for the Uconn Huskies in college and I was so excited.

It was so hard leaving the rest of my teammates behind from High School but I still play with Hayley and we're closer than ever now.
Tay and I were still amazing friends too.

"No holding back guys we fight till the end ok let's have a good game !"

We all clap and head out on the floor.

My big debut here we come !


We were down 10 points at halftime and i was about to drop.
College basketball is hard, really hard.

I was out of breath completely but i need to keep pushing.

I have 5 assists and 10 points I was doing ok but I felt like I could do better.

"We're doing good guys we just need to keep going, Karis we need more force ok ! Just cause it's college basketball doesn't mean you can't play high school style !"

My coach was right, I need to play the way I played in high school. Otherwise they would of picked me.

"You bet" I say confidently.

Let's do this !


5 minuets to go and we were up by 12, I now went from 10 points to 20 with 2 3pointers.

Also have 7 assists, I was playing basketball my way.

They other team called a time out so we were just taking a break.

"Ladies and Gents in the crowd get your Big Ball Merch from the Ball family who is with us today" the man announced on the mic.

Big Baller Merch ?
Ball family?

Ugh I've heard that before but I can't pin point it.

"Big baller brand ?" I whisper to my self.

Never mind, Cmon Karis you have a game to focus on.

The whistle blows and we're back on the court.


We won our first game of the season, and I got up to 30 points at the end which I was over the moon with.

I was finishing up in the locker room and as usual I was the last one.

"I thought you said you would call ?"

I turn around to see a familiar face I haven't seen in a long time....

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