Chapter 18

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Next day

I decided to Go for a run this morning to get my mind off things.
Surprisingly I'm actually feeling a bit better, i also feel like I haven't been keeping up with my fitness.
So a run is much needed and good for me right now.

"Ah this feels nice" I smile as the wind blows through my hair.
I speed up the pace to get up my stamina a bit more.
I realised that I haven't been focusing on basketball alot with all the drama that got in the way.
This is why I came to UCONN to be able to make it in the WNBA, I can't just let boys get in the way of that.

I reach a corner and stop to get a breather when I recognise someone talking on the phone.

Jonah from Why Don't We !

"Jonah !" I walk up to him.

"Karis oh my gosh hi !" He turns around to give me a hug.

"How are you ?"

"I've been better" I try my best not to think about the situation.
"How's Jack ?" I manage to ask.

"Not great I mean.... He's trying his best to focus on music right now"

"Oh well of course" I nod.
"Well I should head on then, see you around" I jog on.


"Finally your home" I go to give Hayley a hug.
"Ew your all sweaty"

"Yeah well maybe I was out for a jog, ever heard of a thing called exercise?"

"Em yeah actually I play professional basketball remember?" We both sit on my bed.

"How have you been holding up ?" She asks me.
"I've been a little better" I shrug.
"Lamelo was here last night"

"Here as in our dorm ?!"

"Yeah while you were busy making out on Daniels couch and living your best life, I was screaming my lungs off asking him to leave"

"Well what he say ?"

"That he was sorry, he'll break up with Lanessa-"

"Woah he'll break up with her? They've been together for like 10 months !"

"The list goes on" I look at her.

"Well how about this, let's go to the gym downstairs and get a few extra hoops in, that'll definitely take our mind off of boys" she smiles.

"Let's do it"


"Wow I really needed this" I knock down another 3 pointer.

"We both did trust me, when was the last time you hit a buzzer beater ?"

"High school" we both laugh.

"Exactly, we need to back to when basketball was our number 1 priority"

"Agreed, we need to foc-"

"Hello ladies !"

We turn around to see some of the guys from the UCONN boys team come in the hall.

"What's up ?" we walk up to them.

"We just wanted to get in some practice, what about you guys ?"

"Same reason ?" I respond.

"I'm Ethan and How bout we help each other out ?
I suggest a friendly match"

"I'm Ethan and How bout we help each other out ? I suggest a friendly match"

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"There's only 2 of us and there's 8 of you guys" I point out.

"Alright Emm, guys you 5 stay here and us three will join the girls"

The teams were now even.


"Ethan !!" I put my arms up for him to pass me the ball.

I dribble passed the two boys and that left me space for an easy three.
Nailed it.

"Woo !!" Ethan gives me a high five.
"See I knew you were good but not that good"

"Well I try my best"

"How bout we celebrate I mean, come with me to grab a bite later ?"


"What ? Come on you know you want to" he steps closer.

"Wait wait, I have a boy- I'm not looking for anything here.
Your probably getting the wrong impression"

"Ok well as friends and let's invite the rest ?"

"Sounds good" I smile.


The rest of the game was an easy win for my team.
We beat them 82-70

And I scored over 30 points.
And ever since I've been at UCONN at a proper match I've never scored that high.

I guess you could say anger helps.

"Wow that was amazing, Karis you really took me out" One of the guys says.

"Awh thanks I tr-"

"Oh look here's some of our students" Coach walks in with a man.

"Hello my name is Brian Agler, I am the manager for the WNBA LA Sparks"

I nearly choke of my water.

"LA Sparks ?!" I blurt.

"Yes indeed" He laughs.
"I believe your Karis Mave "

"You know who I am ?"

"Of course how could I not, I see what you do your a special one.
Keep practicing and you'll become something great" he smiles.

Oh my gosh , is this actually happening ?!

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