Chapter 8 - After Party

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"You guys have all been amazing, I really appreciate you guys all coming out tonight let's making it a good one and this is the year for the Lakers"

"Woooo !!!" Everyone cheers to Lonzo's speech.

"Hey Tay" I tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey girl what's up having fun ?" She smiles.

"I'm just not feeling well I think I might head back, and I do have training in the morning" I lie again.

"No no please stay I really need my girl here. Please" she pleads.

"Trust me i really wanna st-"

"Tay this is probably the most amazing party I've ever seen, your house is unreal" some girl walks up to us.

"Thank you gorgeous, I'm glad your enjoying the night" they clink their glasses.

"So my cousin and bae getting along, I mean it's not like youse won't be related in the future anyway" I roll my eyes as Lamelo walks over.

His girlfriend that's who she was.
Tall, curly black hair, nice skin.
She was... stunning.

"Awh Melo you play too much" She flirtatiously pushes him

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"Awh Melo you play too much" She flirtatiously pushes him.

"I'm Karis by the way" I awkwardly but in.

"Nice to meet you Kares?" She tries to pronounce my name.

"Don't sweat it, you can even call me K, that's what Lamelo used to call me" i smirk.

"You know Melo bear ?"

Melo bear ?
Dear gosh.

"Oh yeah him and I go wayyyy back, from friends, to best friends, to best friends with benefits then a couple.
Sis we went the whole lottt" I try to sound convincing.

"Melo is that true, you never told me about her" she looks at him.

"Well of course he's not gonna tell you, no guy wants to tell his current bird about his Ex but you asked how I knew him and I thought I should tell you" I sip my drink and walk away.

Maybe I might stay a little longer.


It was going 2am and we are still here.
I would have left but I was having way too much fun winding up Lamelo and Lanessa.

Yep that's her name, I took a long pause after she told me so don't worry,
Your not alone.

"She calls him Melo bear ? What an absolute child" Hayley says.

Oh yeah for got to mention she showed up and It made this whole scenario ten times better.

Lamelo was going insane.

"Ok so what should we do now" I maliciously rub my hands together.

"I feel like you should stop plotting" she puts my hand down.

"Let me take care of Lanessa and actually go talk to Lamelo" she sighs.

"What why" I take a small step back.

"Because I feel like you've been doing all this for fun but like you still like him"


"And don't even bother denying is Missy because we both no that its true"

I sigh in defeat.
Hayley was right.

I do miss Lamelo.

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