Chapter 25

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"Look I know it's a lot but ... Can I please stay the night ?" I look at him with pleading eyes.

"Well absolutely but I just have to run it with my parents. They can just wake up and see a random girl in my room"

"That's absolutely fine, I appreciate it so much "

"But why my place , how come you didn't go to James's house ? He lives close to you and everything "

"Because I wanted to be with you, I walked out of my dorm and you were the first person that came to mind Lamelo. You" I grab his hands.

"So what does this mean about us ?"

"That I think- I mean I know I can trust you. I'm ready to forgive everything and start over Lamelo. I want to be with you"

"I thought I'd never hear you say that"

*  *  *

The night turned out to be perfect with Lamelo. His parents were a little bit confused to see me but all together were suprisingly fine with me staying.

As long as one of us slept on the couch and like a gentleman Lamelo did.

We stayed up late watched 'The Kissing Booth' ate snacks and had laughs just like a normal couple would.

It's honestly the best way to start our relationship.

"And your finally up" I smile as I see him come down the stairs.

"Where is everyone?" 

"Out for family breakfast, but since you weren't awake I offered to stay here with you" 

"Awh well that's what I good girlfriend would do which is what you are" he embraces me in his arms.

"It's weird" I scrunch me eyebrows.

"What is ?"

"You calling me your girlfriend. I honestly thought I would never come down this road "

"Well I'm glad you did because I could not be more happy right now" he kisses me.

He's right. 

I'm glad we're here together and I'm just trying to enjoy the moment.

*  *  *

Lamelo Baby 😍😘 'Miss you already'

As much as I wanted to stay , I knew I just had to come home.

My plan was only to stay there for the night. But I will be back soon now that we'll be spending much more time together.

It's just still so surreal that he's my boyfriend right now .

Karis ❤️❤️ 'Don't worry we'll see each other very soon'

I sigh as I close my phone.

Walking back into the dorm , you could literally hear my heartbeating.

This is basically the first time Hayley have had a real big argument. I just hate the fact that's it over a boy.

That's the number one thing not to fight with your bestfriend over right?

I walk in to an unlocked door and I find a pacing Hayley.

When she's pacing like this... It's never good.

"Oh my gosh Karis ! Where on earth have you been ?!"

"What so now you have to know where I'm going to ? Are you my mom now or something ? cause last time I checked I did not bring her to college" I fold my arms.

"I was here scared out of life cause I thought something happened to you, it's not everyday your roommate storms out in the middle of the night only to come back with an attitude!"

"Well maybe I wouldn't of stormed out if you hadn't been such a bitch !"

"A bitch ?! Ok wow, but last time I checked you walked back into getting your heartbroken , just saying"

"Well I'm just saying maybe you should shut up sometimes and let me be" Oh now we are definitely getting personal .

"Yes I get it , my heart broken and yes I took the guy who did it back. In fact him and I are together now. Oh yes boyfriend and girlfriend Hayley and there is nothing you can do about it. 

You know what since this is the way you acted with me , when Why Don't We become super famous and Daniel cheats on you with some random girl after you say 'I Love You' to him..." I walk closer to her.

"I'm going to laugh in your face"

She stays silent.

"Now I'm going to have a shower, and don't bother talking to me, I beg" I walk into the bathroom .

*  *  *

Thank you to everyone for over 2 Thousand reads !

What do you guys prefer 2 chapters every second night, or 1 every night ?

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