Chapter 10

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I storm back into my dorm room pretty pissed at what happened today.
I don't even know why I went through with it.

But you know what, I don't care, it's in the past let me just move on.

"Hayley !" I call for her as I close the door behind me.

"Why are you back so early ? And what's wrong with you?" She asks as she sees the expression on my face

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"Why are you back so early ? And what's wrong with you?" She asks as she sees the expression on my face.

"Lamelo ditched me and Lamelo's girlfriend showed up and Lamelo left with her" I flop on my head.

"So Lamelo is the problem orrr"

"Hayley !"

"Okay , Okay sorry"she giggles.

"UGH HES SO ANNOYING" I scream in my pillow.

"So should I just tell you what Lanessa told me the other day another time ?"

"No no no tell me now !" I sit up.

"Well your not going to like this" she starts.

"Whatever it is i probably won't so"

"Well her and Melo have been together for 10 months and they're pretty serious"

My heart sank.
10 freaking months ?!
They're practically married like.

"Wowww" is all that comes out from my mouth.

"So do you still like him ?" She asks me.

"I don't know Hayley like I actually couldn't answer that" I say honestly.

Like the only thing that's annoying about seeing him again is his girlfriend.
Which makes me jelous.
So do I like him ?

I don't even know.


I was scrolling through Pinterest while listening to 'Chris Brown' when my phone goes off.

"Taylorrrrrr !" I answer the phone.

"Karis you aswell why do you have to shout oh my gosh" she complains as usual.

"I can see your rolling your eyes right now" I laugh.

"Anyways I need you to come home"

"Come home ?" I repeat.

"No Karis come to the mountains"

"Why do you need me ?"

"Family emergency" she says.

"Why what happened ?" I sit up gently.

"Just come and you'll see, it's hard to explain over the phone" she hangs up.

I sigh as I get up to get dressed.

I rush to the door of my house worried about what was wrong.

I wait impatiently after I ring the door bell when the hinge finally moves .

"Em hi ?" I answer as a cute looking boy opens the door.

"She's here !" He shouts in the house.

I walk into my house which was all pink, decorated and childish.
What I'm earth is going on ?

What I'm earth is going on ?

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"Taylor !" I call around .

"Oh you made it" she sees me and goes for a hug.

"Woah woah woah" I dodge.

"What ?"

"What's the emergency you freak ?"

"Oh yeah" she laughs uncontrollably.

"It's not an emergency, mom forced me to come up with an idea to get you to come to Layla's 5th birthday"

This is an absolute joke.

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