Chapter 3

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The following morning I couldn't stop thinking about Lamelo, although I acted like I had no clue who he was, he's been my favourite basketball player since like ever.

I mean he's 16 and is already playing professionally in the JBA , I'm 16 and just finished playing my high school season and I still have 2 more years till I'm done and can finally go pro.

Today Tay was throwing a mini party with the team to celebrate our championship win, and tomorrow when we go back to school we have another celebration.

I mean the party doesn't end does it.

Tay's house was only a 20 minuet walk but I did it in 10, I was so excited to see my teammates.

I rang the doorbell as I pull my earphones out.

"My oh my, we meet again do we" I look up immediately to see Melo in front of me.

"What are you doing here ?"

"Oh hi I'm Lamelo ball, my cousin just won the HSBA championship with the LA tigers her team, you wouldn't know anything about that would you ?" He smirks.

"You know what Lamelo ball I actually had no idea, I just happened to know there was a party celebrating it so I just came to tag along"

We both laugh, his humour is just like mine and I love it.

I step inside as he closes the door behind me.

"Nobody at all here yet ?" I have a look around to a empty house.

"Well you are exactly 3 hours early so nope, Tay and her parents went out to get things for the get together , why you here so early anyway ?"

"Wanted to get out of my house, my moms crazy husband and daughter are at my house, wanted to get right out of there" I explain.

"You don't like them ?"

"Are you kidding ?!" I scoff.
"Only person in my family I truly get along with is my father.
He's the only one that tries to do something about my anger issues" I smile as I think about him.

"Anger issues ?"

"I'm a complicated girl Lamelo ball, very complicated"

"Would you say that your a challenge to look after?"

"Yeah you could say that" I nod in agreement.

"Well good news for you, I like a girl with a challenge" he winks at me.

"Do you really Lamelo?"

"Absolutely, normal is boring I like when there's obstacles in the way of getting what you want" he stares into my eyes.

"You get that from a book or something?" We both laugh.

"Cmon lets go talk in the living room, I'm tired of standing" he says.

"Ok" I giggle.


"So how long you actually here for ?" I take a sip of my water.

"As long as you want me to"

I giggle flirtatiously.

"For real Lamelo"

"Not long, I'm heading back on the road in a couple of days for a game against the Houston ballers"

"They're actually a really good team"

"How you know?"

"I follow the JBA games online, why I can't watch like everyone else ?"

"I don't know how I feel about you looking at other guys Karis"

"What am I your girlfriend?"

"Not yet" he laughs.
"But what about you, seasons over what you gonna do with your free time ?"

"Looking for a club to join, a professional that has like scouts that come to watch you know ? I really want coaches and managers and things to start recognising me" I say quite confidently.

"Scratch what I said yesterday, I think your amazing, like I said I came to support Tay but I also wanted to see you play in person "

"Thank you, guess my hard work is paying off" I smile.


The girls and I were up in Tay's room while we waited for even more guests to come, seems like it's turning into a party.

"I still can't believe we won , like it's almost like a dream come true !" Alex says.

"Keep performing like we did last night, we'll all definitely be drafted during college season" Hayley points out.

"Honest can't wait for college.
Its gonna gonna fly by, I can't imagine playing with anyone else besides you guys" I start to choke on my words.

"Awh Karis dont get emotional on usss" Tay pulls me in for a hug.

"I just love you girls so much" I start to cry.

"Awhhhhhh" the girls pull in for a group hug.

"Hey girls time for a group pho-, Are you ok" Melo asks as he sees me crying.

"I'm fine" I wipe my tears.

"Alright, but girls time for a group photo, the trophy is downstairs" he says as he leaves the room.

"Karis please explain why Lamelo Ball is asking if your ok ?" Hayley asks.

"Don't worry it's fine, we just had small talk these past two days and we've become mates"

"I wanna get into your pants small talk, or I'm trying get to know you small talk ?" Alex asks.

"We're the only two in the house let's not make things awkward small talk, guys cmon I barley know the guy"

I really did want to get to know Lamelo.

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