Chapter 26

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Nothing has been resolved and at this point I don't even know if I want them to. We've just been doing things in silence, keeping our distance and sometimes it's hard to get things done.

Like who's doing the dishes, what we're having for dinner and so on.

*  *

It's Monday and it's back to the usual, training is in swing and I'm just excited to get in a nice workout and prepare for our upcoming games.

"You said you would laugh at her in her face ?!"

"Are you seriously taking her side in this James ?" I warm my ankles.

"Of course I'm always gonna have your back in things like this Karis ,but have you thought about were she's coming from in this situation? All she's trying to do is look out for you" he explains.

"I know that, she also needs to know that I'm grown James. I can make my own decisions and I know it's going to be hard to believe, but I'm happy."


"Yes things have been going smooth lately "

"You've been together for a day in a half , I think there's quite a long way to go" he giggles.

"You've been together for a day in a half , I think there's quite a long way to go" he giggles

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*  *  *

"You need to do it , I'm not going to leave you alone if you don't "

"It's sucks cause I actually know you won't leave me alone if I don't " I shake my head.

"It's just one word"

"Wait no two, two words Karis to apologise. All you have to say is 'I'm sorry" he tries to convince me.

"And what will I get out of this ?" I look at him.

"A weight will be lifted off your shoulders, you'll finally break the ice and you'll feel so much better that you became the bigger person to do so"

"Ok fine" I smile.

Being such a joker you wouldn't think that James could be so serious, but what he's was saying made a lot of sense so it's better if I go through with it.

I take a deep breath and walk over to her.

"H-Hayley can we talk p-please ?" I stutter.

I have no idea why I'm getting shy all of a sudden.

I never get shy.

"You sure you wanna do this or is this just gonna be another one of our arguments ?"

"I really ... Really wanna do this" I say honestly.

Maybe I do wanna fix this.

"Alright, be back in a sec guys" she tells the other girls.

*  *  *

"I just wanted to the time.. To apologise for how I've acted and for the things I've said, I shouldn't have said those things and I've been straight up disrespectful "


"Ok?! That's it ?!"

"I'm kidding Karis" she giggles.

"Of course I forgive you and I shouldn't of acted like your mother when it came to Melo. You can choose who you want to be with and if he makes you happy... Well then go for it" she smiles.

"Good I'm glad we're now on the same page" we hug things out.

"Okay guys bring it in " Coach calls in everyone .

"Alright do we have everybody?"

We all nod.

"So, we have been doing so great in this tournament I'm so proud of everyone.

Now the big games are coming up because our next match determines whether we get into the final four or not"

My heart starts thumping when coach says 'Final Four' just because that's like one of the highest points in the season and I really want to win this year.

What's scary about it, is that that's where everyone goes so hard as in plays their best. It's like majority of people get injured Around this period of time and I do not want that to be me this year.

"The game will be against UCLA on Saturday so we basically have over a week to prepare. Because it's so important I've added on half an hour to our training sessions, you might hate me now but trust me you'll thank me later"

Half an hour ?! That means we will be training 2 hours every day !

I get what Coachs trying to do but I'm going to exhausted all the time .

"Bring out your best performance Saturday since some WNBA scouts will be there. Thanks guys good work"

*  *  *

"It's like I want something really hot to warm my muscles but then I want something cold cause I'm roasting right now"

"Warm your muscles?" James giggles.

"What does that even mean Karis?"

After training James and I decided to hang out abit and go look for somewhere to chill and grab a bite since today really took a toll on us.

"Look over there ! It's an Ice tea please called 'Lemon tree' my aunty took me there one time when I was younger, their drinks Karis? Are killer !"

"Wait Lemons grow on trees ?"

"That's besides the point dude"

"What I'm genuinely asking" I laugh.

"Cause if they call their place Lemon tree and lemons don't actually grow on trees that's false advertisement "

"What are you a business woman or something?"

"Nope but I'm Smart, unlike yourself in These situations " I poke him.

"I'm smart too Karis , you just haven't seen that's side to me yet"

"Ok well answer the question then" I fold my arms.

"What question ?"

"Do lemons grow on trees ?"

"You know what let's just go grab some ice tea" we laugh and head over the to 'Lemon Tree'

*  *  *

"Hey you know Lamelo is actually having a game tonight" he tells me.

"Is he ?"

"Yeah it's La verses Seattle fit the final and he gave me two front row tickets " he holds them up.

"Shit he called me earlier on but I didn't pick up , I only saw the missed call after training . That's probably what he wanted to talk to me about"

"It's ok, you can surprise him then"

"You sure ?"

" Yep a hundred percent"

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