Chapter 9 - Catching Up

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I haven't been this nervous since...
Wait never mind I was this nervous earlier on at my game.

As I'm walking up to him I could see that he was with some of his friends just chatting so that means I have to pull him aside.

As I'm walking up to him I could see that he was with some of his friends just chatting so that means I have to pull him aside

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My hate for encounters is real.

"Lamelo !" I call.

He turn around and notices that I want him so tells his friends he'll be a sec.

"What you come to provoke me again ?" He says.

"Not this time no" I smirk.

"So what you want cause I'm like busy right now" he points to his friends.

"Look I'm not here because I'm trying to annoy you or anything, Look I just thought that the idea Lavar had maybe wasn't so bad"

"In what sense" he raises his eyebrow.

"That maybe we should use this time to catch up"

"So you want to be friends with me now?"

"No Lamelo I want to catch up, and you know maybe I could use your help" I mumble the last part.

"Sorry what was that last part?"

"That I could use your help you idiot!" I laugh.

"I don't know man" he sighs.

"Look you can even get some practice of your own in so it's kind of like a win win"

"Ok whatever" she gives in.

"Awh I knew you would say yes" I wink at him and walk away.

Tomorrow should be fun.


Next day

I pace back and forth in the gym worrying that he wouldn't come.

What if he changed his mind?
What is he's off with Lanessa ?
What if he's-

"I'm here I'm here !" He bursts through the doors.

About bloody time.

"I thought you wouldn't come" I hug him.

"Awh what you missed me ?"

"Don't push it" I toss him the ball.
"Let's just start so I can get this over with.

"Ok but first before we begin"

I turn back to look at him.

"What happened yesterday?" He asks.

"What do you mean ?"

"They way you played I mean, I wasn't lying when I said you were struggling, I guess that I could have said it in a nicer manner but I was right"

"It's just difficult" I sigh.
"Like I just have to work extra hard but I'll be fine" I look down.

"Think about this as your next step to the WNBA, you'll get there" He looks at me.

"Thanks Lamelo"

"Good good, just make sure your more forceful and confident" Lamelo compliments my layup.

"I honestly don't know how you do it, on JBA you make it look sooo easy" I say out of breath.

"Trust me the JBA isn't as great and amazing as it seems, it's really hard"

"What do you mean ?" I take a sip of water.

"Being the face it's, just like so much pressure and because I'm Lonzo Ball's brother and the face, literally everyone expects me to be amazing" he explains.

"Oh my gosh Lamelo" I sit next to him on the bench.

"I know the way I spoke to yesterday was totally wrong and even at the party, but when there's cameras and everything I feel like I have to be that way.

Like it does get annoying at times, I miss my old life, we could have even had something you and I If I didn't leave for Houston"

"You said you would call Lamelo" I look at him.

"If only I had the time, like I missed you like cra-"

"Melo Bear !!" We look up to see Lanessa walk in.

"For fuck sake" I whisper as I close my eyes.

She fully came in Basketball gear, what does she want Lamelo to have a private lesson with her too ?

She fully came in Basketball gear, what does she want Lamelo to have a private lesson with her too ?

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"Hey babe !" He gets excited when he sees her.

"Even though it's been five minutes I missed you" she laughs in his arms.

I just stand there awkwardly.

"Did you forget about my game today babe ?" She puts at him.

"Of course not, I was actually just saying goodbye to Karis so I could get dressed"

I shake my head in disbelief, what you can't tell your girlfriend that you were telling me that you miss me?

"Pathetic" I roll my eyes.

"But anyways Karis I gotta go bye !" He passes the basketball to me as they both walk out.

Lanessa gives me dirty looks on the way out and I'm just left standing there in the Gym on my own.

So much for catching up.

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