Chapter 16 - Oops !

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It's Monday again and this time thank God I'm not stressed because I have a week off from college and I'm just so thankful so I can rest, chill and what not.

Tonight I'm off back home for my sister Taylor's birthday dinner.
I just don't know how it's gonna go.

I walk up to the house sighing once I see my Stepdads car in the driveway.
Like honestly to he actually have to be here ?

"We can do this, just get in there and get out" I give myself a small pep talk in my little mirror.

I walk up then to the door and before I can even make an attempt to ring the doorbell my mom had already opened the door.

"You made it !" She hugs me.
"I guess so" I force a chuckle.

"Take a seat we were literally just about to start dinner, oh and you should have seen the present your Dad got Taylor"
"Step Dad" I correct.
"Sorry Hun, I forgot"

"What ever" I mumble.
"But there she is !" I lift the mood when I see Taylor.

"Wow you came and this time I didn't have to come up with an excuse" she hugs me.
"Happy birthday girl" I hand her my gift.

"Let me add this to the rest, I'm gonna open them all later. You should have seen the size of the gift dad got me"

"Step dad ! I cannot stress enough about how the step comes before the dad !"

Like why doesn't anyone get that he is not my real father for goodness sakes !


"Dis chicken iz too hawd mommy" Layla complains.

"She's five and she's talking like that ?" I raise my eyebrows.

Taylor gives me a stare so I go back to poking my chicken with my fork.

"Ok so since this is the Perfect day we thought we should share this piece of news" Ceaser takes my moms hand.

"Great what is it this Time " I fold my arms.

"Well our marriage has gone officially one year and we are planning on renewing our vows, and we're going to have a small ceremony and we want both of you girls to say speeches" my mom announces.

"Fucking bullshit" I say.

And this is where my anger gets the best of me.

"Why bother asking me !! You know damn well I don't want to be apart of this, like this is fucking OUT OF ORDER!" I flip my plate.

"Karis you need to calm down !" Ceaser gets up.


"Karis ! "

"NO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE !" I go to slap Ceaser but he ends up dodging and I end up slapping Taylor.

"Oh my goodness Taylor I'm-"

"You know what just get out of here, you just have to ruin everything even my birthday!"

I feel awful.


"Just get out Karis !!"

I go to look at my mom to see if she says anything.
But she just stares at me.

"Ok I'll just go" I give in.
And like that I just grab my coat and just leave.

Multiple tears run down my face as I just walk around the neighbourhood.
I take out my phone to ring someone and my finger just hovers over Lamelo's name.
But I just can't talk to him right now.

I place my phone over my ear as it dials.

"Karis hey"

"Oh my gosh Jack thank gosh you picked up" I sniffle.

"Are you ok, you sound upset?"

"I'm ok I'm just-" I start getting teary eyed again.

"Karis please, just talk to me"

"I just had a massive fight with my family, and I- I took the bus here an-"

"Look babe just send your address and I'll come get you ok ?"

"Ok" I agree.
I'm so grateful he's coming to get me.

"You'll be fine trust me they don't hate you, they'll get over it" Jack tries to cheer me up.

"Thank you Jack, for coming tonight"

"Hey how about that date huh ?"

"Right now ?!"

"Yeah look at the top of the street there's an ice creams shop right there !" He points to a small shop .

"Okay let's do it !" We get out the car.

As we walk in the store it is quite empty but I notice a group of bo-
Oh shit they are not just any boys.
That's the rest of Lamelo's team.

"Hey let me go over this side" I try swap places with Jack.

"Why ?" He's says confused.

"Just do it qui-"

"Oh my gosh Karis ?!"

Oh fuck.

"Look boys it's the famous Karis" Leon says.

"Hi boys" I giggle nervously.

"Wait who's this girl again" one of them asked.

"The one who Lamelo could not stop talking about at practice today, you know the one who made out with him like crazyyy!" They laugh.

"You what ?!" Jack turns to me.

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