Chapter 14 - Confused

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After a long night I was not able to play like at all.
I feel hungover even though I didn't drink, that's how bad I feel right now.

"I'm telling you we're not going to be able to play tonight, you really think coach will let us on the court after he found out that we ditched" Hayley tells me as we walk into the gym.

"I a hundred percent doubt it, like how will she know we even ditched"

"Because a little birdy told me" we turn around to our coach behind us.

Oh shit.

"You guys went to some kind of school event last night right ? Cause last time I checked there was nothing on last night" he says.

Wait did Tay snitch?
Oh my gosh if she did.

"Coach no, it's not like that"I try to explain.

"Well tell me what it's like, we are only at the start of the season and you guys are pulling ditching stunts ?! I've had this with past athletes before girls and they were sacked before you could even count to ten !"

Hayley and I just stand there not saying anything, we both know what's coming to us.

"You will not take part in tonight's match, you can sit down on the bench and watch those who have put in hard work to play !!"

"Fucking dick" I say under my breath.

"Sorry what was that ?"

"Nothing" I mumble.

"Cmon" Hayley takes my hand as we head over to the benches to sit down, and we watch as the team warms up.

"I'm not surprised" I sigh as we sit down.

"At least it was worth it" she giggles

Well let me tell you this , one minute went to the final one and we lost badly to Georgia State.

It is kind of annoying cause I wasn't able to show Lanessa what I could give.
But it's not that big of a deal I don't care anymore and besides, I have better things to be doing that caring about her.


"Yeah coach basically sacked us for tonight's game and probably the next one too" Hayley and I explain to the team.
Since there was way to many questions.

"Yeah an-"

"Hey guysss !!" We all turn around to Tay who comes in.

"Hiii" Everyone Greets her but me and Hayley.

She was the only one that knew we weren't going to training and heading somewhere else. She probably told.

"Karis can I grab you for a quick second?" She asks.


"Yeah sure" I fake smile.

We walk out of the locker room and I close the door behind me.

"Ok so fi-"

"Why did you do it?" I cut straight to the chase.

"What do you mean ?"

"Tell coach that we ditched Tay ! I thought we were closer than that, you know me and Hayley are now sacked for this game and probably the next"

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