Chapter 23

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I can't get over last night that was the most fun that I've had in a long time.

Lamelo and I are finally back on the same track, and I have a new bestfriend,James is honestly the best.

Isn't it a bit weird that theyre also friends ?

* *

I wake up to no Hayley next to me , her and Daniel went to take some road trip somewhere, she wouldn't stop talking abit it.

I'm really happy for her and Daniel.

"What am I gonna have for breakfast today" I sing and head into the kitchen.

I've actually been trying to go on a diet , you know eat healthy not stuff my face with sugar every time I s-

"Ughhh" I groan when I hear my phone ring.

"Who could be calling me it 10a- oh it's James" I smile and answer the phone.

"This is Karis's phone"

"No it's the Canadian presidents"

"Woww sarcasm your so cool" I laugh

"But anyway what are you doing today ?" He asks.

"Nothing I don't know think so. I was just gonna chill, I've been up and out everyday"

"Well you can chill another day I have plans for us"

"Of course you do. What do you have in mind James" I smile.

"Well there is this Steph Curry open training session, it's kind of like a camp you get to go train and meet the man himself" he explains.

"Wow that sounds awesome!"

"Great I'm glad you like the idea, I was thinking we could bring Melo too"

"Emm  yeah that sounds good" I agree.

"Good see you in 10"

"Wait J-" and he hangs up.

I cannot get dressed in 10 minutes, I haven't even eaten.

*  *  *

"Great see you in 10" I mimick James's voice as I wait on my couch.

I've been waiting for over 30 minutes, I rushed my shower because of this guy and bear in mind it's going 11 in the morning.

 I'm still tired and I know Steph curry's training is really intense.

"My gosh" I sigh as he doesn't answer his phone again like where is he ?

"Dressed up all cute for no- There they are !" I exclaim as I hear a knock on the door.

"Sorry were late the traffic was crazy !" James and Lamelo burst in.

"Your phone must be going crazy too since your not answering "

"What ?" He takes out his phone.

"Ohhhhh" he sees the 10 missed calls.

"Anywaysss you sure dressed up nice" Lamelo says as he eyes me up and down.

"Oh thank you, it's Steph Curry so you know I had to go all out" I point at my outfit.

"Well let's go guys, I wanna be early so we can have time to stretch and warm up" James says

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"Well let's go guys, I wanna be early so we can have time to stretch and warm up" James says.

*  *  *

"Oh wow there's a lot of people " I say as we walk in.

"Yeah especially since it's an open day, loads of people came" Lamelo adds on.

" I can't wait to get out there and kill it" We sit down and start stretching.

"This is actually a very good place for you guys since you wanna be in the NBA and you in the WNBA, there's a lot of scouts who come here looking for college students mostly " Lamelo explains.

"Wait you've been to one of these?"

"And you haven't? In the JBA they won't stop talking about how important it is to come and train here, look those over there probably don't even know each other and they're warming up look " he points

"Wow that's incredible" I wince a little stretching my legs

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"Wow that's incredible" I wince a little stretching my legs.  

"What team you wanna play for when  you get into the WNBA ?" James asks.

"The LA Sparks, it's been my dream as a little kid to play alongside Candace Parker. She's amazing"

"You guys actually have similar styles when playing"

"Yeah I try to kind of mimick her style , I mean she was one of the first women to ever dunk so she's  very strong" I say happily.

"I just know you'll get into the Draft by the end of this year"

"Woah woah woah, hold your horses , I don't think I'll go forward this year"

"What !" They both yell suprised.

"Guys I've only been in college one year, I'm not ready for that.

Maybe next year or the year after, even when I graduate"

*  *  *

After an intense two hours training was done. I got to meet Steph at the end and he actually knew who I was so I was delighted.

The boys and I decided to celebrate by going to a movies

I personally picked it out and it's a romantic  called 'The Truth Untold'

I sat in the corner ,Lamelo in the middle and James on the end.

"I think he's crying" Lamlo snickers at James.

"Leave him Melo" I giggle.

"Huh !" He gasps.

"What ?"

"You called me Melo ! For the first time ever " He exclaims.

"Well I guess there's a first time for everything" I smile.

I couldn't really tell you what I was feeling for Lamelo, there just all over the place but whatever it is ...

All I know is that I'm liking it right now.

We both turn back to the big screen and I feel my hand being intwined with his.

I look down and he's holding my hand.

But I don't let go,

I didn't want to.

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