Chapter 27

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" I'm actually quite nervous " I sit down.
"How come ?"
"Well it's a pretty big game, I just really want him to do well"
"He will, and once he sees you in the crowd its gonna pump him up ten times more trust me" James says.

"Ok good I can't wait to see his face wh- please don't tell me that's who I think it is"

"What ? What are you talking about ?"

"Look right over there two rows in front , the girl with the huge sign that says 'Go Melo'" i whisper

"Oh my goodness it can't be, what is she doing here ?"

Surprise surprise , of course Lanessa would find her way to make it here.
"Nope I have to see why on earth she's here" I get up.

"Karis no you'll regret it !" I hear James behind me.

I couldn't listen to him right now, I need to get this done and find out what she's here.

"Really so you come and ruin this for him to" I fold my arms.

"I really don't know why your here, but your gonna wanna turn around and go back to your seen soon. Games almost about to start" she rolls her eyes at me.

"Look don't even wanna bother with the attitude, why are you even here ?"

"Can i Not Come support my friends final ?"

"Since when are you two friends ?"

"After our mutual breakup we thought it would be dom to throw away all that we built together so we remained friends" she smirks.

It was half time and boys were down by 5.
And that wasn't  even the bad part, I'll tell you what wa-

"YAY MELO !!!"
That was. See even my thoughts are interrupted by her loud voice.
In case you don't know who it was, Lanessa and her big fat stupid sign won't shut up and nobody can focus on the game right now.

"Look you just need to relax" James continues attempts to calm me down.

"If they're still friends like she says they are , that means he purposely invited her ! Not letting me know she'd be here let alone two down in front James !"

"It's ok just talk to him later about it, there's probably a better reason she's here" he hugs me.
"Yaaaaaaay !!!" everyone goes wild as the buzzer goes off for the third time and LA win !!

There's only one thing on my mind.
I run into the court and Melos arms are just waiting for me.

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