Chapter 13 - First Date ?

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"Well today kind of went to shit" I say as I make my bed for tonight.

"Hate to tell you but I kind of disagree" Hayley gets into bed.

"What are you talking about ?"

"I mean take away the whole situation with Lamelo, you and Jack and the rest of the Why Don't We boys had an absolute blast" she points out.

"I guess we did, but it seems like whenever I try to move on he's just always there, like I didn't say two words to him and he was all over me today"

"It's because he's still into you hello"

"But were you not the one that said him and Lanessa were pretty serious" I tuck myself in.

"Boys can like two girls at once Karis, or in your case maybe even love"

"This is ridiculous like drama is the one thing I don't want" I shake my head.

"You'll be ok, I'll talk to you in the morning ok, Goodnight"

"Goodnight Hayley".

I'm feeling quite ready but also abit scared for Wednesday, like hopefully when we get the win and I perform well I can finally put Lamelo and Lanessa both in their place.

It's kind of what they need at this point.

Before I close my eyes to sleep, I look over to see my phone is ringing.

"Hello"I whisper as I answer the call .
I head to the bathroom so I won't wake up Hayley.

"Oh good you picked up" I recognised the voice in seconds.
It was Jack.

"Jack what are you doing calling me?" I sit on the toilet seat.
With the lid closed of course.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something, do you have a minute?"

"Yeah of course"

"Well Why Don't We is having and album listening party tomorrow night and I was hoping that you would you know... come and support cause I really wanna see you again"

He was really nervous, like totally.

"Awh Jack, of course I wouldn't miss it for the world. Anything to see you perform"

"I can see you smiling through the phone"

"Oh my gosh is that even possible" I laugh.

"Anything is possible with love my dear" he laughs.

"Is it ok if i bring Hayley to actually?"

"Yeah amazing the more the merrier"

One hour led to another and next thing you know I'm on the phone to him all night.


I wake up the next morning with my phone right next to me.
I smile as I look at it as I remember the chats Jack and I had last night.

Oh my gosh he's so amazing.

"Hayley" I head over to her bed to wake her up.
"Hayleyyy" I shake her.

"Whattt" she groans.

"I have news get up"

"Oh my gosh what" she sits up.

"Why Dont We is having an album listening party and we have to go"

"We ?"

"Yes we, and we as in I'm too scared to go on my own we"

"We have training today and our match is tomorrow" she points is.

"Ughhh are you messing" I remember.

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