----------- MY LOVE YOU CANT RUN AWAY FROM ME ------------

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-------------------------- PART - 8 -----------------------------

(( Jungkook's eyes decided not to blink this time because if it does then a tear will definetly drop from his eyes and he cant be that sensitive infront of his omega 💔💔. Jungkook was lost in that painting which you made , that's when Jimin cupped Jungkook's face with love and asked Jungkook to let those tears roll down from his eyes which he trying to stop since long ))

JUNGKOOK : " Hyung , did i failed as a father ?! "

JIMIN : " No Jungkookie , you just love our daughter way too much "

JUNGKOOK : " Is it wrong to think good for my daughter ? I just dont want her to go through everything again, those sacrifice and pain , no hyung , she is my child , i cant be ... "

JIMIN : " Jungkookie you have to let her go , this painting is the sign that her connection with her mate is way stronger than any of us can imagine and being an alpha omega mate we should know better than anyone .. isnt it ? :) "

JUNGKOOK : " But hy.. "


(( Jungkook remmembered how you said something alike this in previous life .. " Would you do that for Jimin if you were in my place ?! "... Jungkook's heart not ready to accept but he has no other choice but to let you fly, let you go to your mate. ))

JUNGKOOK : " Hyung i love her so much "

JIMIN : " I know kookie , we both do but she is not only our child but V's mate. Hope you understand things more maturely now "

(( Ofcourse Jungkook does but his fatherly instinct is so posessive & protective both that he just simply cant let you go away from him. In morning you woke up and first thing your eyes fell on was the painting and then you opened your eyes more and captured Jungkook's view infront of you who is holding that painting with smile.. with " GENUINE SMILE ". You could've been scared to death but Jungkook's smile looks so comforting and genuine. ))

---------------------------- MORNING -----------------------------

JUNGKOOK : " This painting is so beautiful :) "

YOU : "..... "

JUNGKOOK : " I am sorry !! "

YOU : " You awlays push me away , you never tell me truth and always hide things "

JUNGKOOK : " I do because i am trying to protect you and also somewhere i am being selfish as well , i know "

(( Its strange how easily Jungkook accepting his mistakes. You want to scream and shout and ask him why he tore your painting but this current one looks safe so you decided not to do much drama. But still you didnt forgive him. You are still angry ))

(( Jungkook tried to initiate conversation but none falling in place so he decided to leave. Jungkook is hurt how you ignoring him and not talking to him , but tbh you are not wrong either , he isnt disclosing reasons behind his actions so you have full right to get mad and angry at your father ))

(( Jungkook walked out and sat down on kitchen table with sad face. Jimin has to go for work so he deicided to cook something which is easy and heavy. Jimin was flipping pancakes when Jungkook pressed his head against kitchen shelf. ))

JIMIN : " Kookie you'll hurt yourself.. !! "

JUNGKOOK : " Then may be she will take care of her appa and ask me how i am doing ? :( "

JIMIN : " She didnt accept your apology ?! WOW !!! No wonder she is your daughter , both are stubborn "

JUNGKOOK : " Excuse me .. do i look like stubborn ? "

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