----------- FALLEN ANGEL & SINS OF YOUR LOVE --------------

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------------------------ PART - 1 -----------------------------

(( Cold winter night, pitch dark pavements and cloudy sky. Moon is trying to come infront but its like stubborn devilish cloud not ready to give up. Silk curtains of your window with victorian embroidary flying like free soul. Your candle about to blow off in any second as the wax almost reached end stage <3  ))

SEOKJIN : " Kid , i brought new candles "

YOU : " Thank you so much jini appa, i am outlining my work , cant paint it because of this power cut "

SEOKJIN : " I know , Joonie said that it will remain like this till morning , as the snowfall is heavy so electricians not working now. "

YOU : " SAD !!! "

SEOKJIN : " So what are you painting any way ?! :) "

YOU : " Just something random , a sceneray "

SEOKJIN : " Only sceneray ?! I thought my daughter making some human potrait as usual ;) "

YOU : " Ofcourse not , just sceneray "

SEOKJIN : " Alright , so let me s... "

NAMJOON : " I swear these torchlights are horrible hyung "

YOU : " Joonie appa !!!! "

(( You ran down in Namjoon's arms. Your both parents are here. Namjoon is basically your biological father and you borned through surrogacy. Jin and Namjoon are your parents and you are their only child, basically WHOLE WORLD <3 ))

NAMJOON : " You going to destroy your eyes if you do any work in candlelight "

YOU : " NOPE !! I AM FINE !!! "

(( Namjoon was about to sit down next to Jin when his phone rang and he walked out to talk in phone. Jin came from back and hugged you like a protective father. Ofcourse Jin noticed your window is open so you may get cold and he about to snap when you asked him not to close the window ))

SEOKJIN : " Baby i dont want you to get cold , you... "

(( You put down your pencil and dragged Jin on bed , ofcourse you hinting him to sing you lullaby and Jin smiled. You lay down on bed and Jin wrapped his arms around you to sing you lullaby. You are 16 and Jin is 32 and Namjoon is 31, they had you very early but that's not the only reason why they never aged , there are more secrets which they never tell you because they are scared that you'll disown them as parents and never going to forgive them for hidding BIGGEST TRUTH OF YOUR LIFE :( ))

(( Jin started singing lullaby when you asked him about something you heared in your class. You couldnt take your minds off that thing so you decided to ask Jin. and Jin saw you are bothered by something so he kissed your forehead and asked you what's bothering you ))

YOU : " Appa what is FALLEN ANGEL ?! :) "

SEOKJIN : "....... "

(( Namjoon was about to enter in the room when he heared you asking Jin about Fallen Angel, he stopped at his steps. Namjoon dont know what Jin will say but anything will be better than saying truth to you so Namjoon laughed from the door to divert the attention and came running down to drop on other side of the bed ))

NAMJOON : " Baby FALLEN ANGELS are the one who fall from heaven due to sins "

YOU : " That's it ?! "


YOU : " What kind of sins ?! "

NAMJOON : " Anything , like greed , pride.. lust... ahm !!! "

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