--------------- CALICO CAT & A LOVE LIKE THIS !! -------------------

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--------------------------- PART - 6 ------------------------------

(( BTS !!! That's what EXO leader SUHO said to KAI, BAEKHYUN, CHANYEOL & SEHUN !!! The name of their biggest rival & also the group they love and admire lot. All 4 other EXO members looking at Suho's sudden calling of "BTS" out of nowhere but when Suho revealed why he said BTS , other 4 were shocked and more in anger :( ))

SUHO : " I had a recording at MUSICBANK, i checked the later CCTV whose access only i have, you see that end of the musicbank room whose CCTV is too tiny to catch sasaeng fans ?! and guess what, our precious little HYBRID IS WITH BTS !!!! "

SEHUN : " Hyung you do know what you're saying , BTS would never keep Hybrids , they dont have time to take care of hybrids and beside they are very cl.. "

KAI : " I DOUBT IT !! I spend so much time with Jimin , they are possibly virgins but i dont think they dont feel the need :/ "

BAEK : " I agree, Taehyung and I watched porns lot of times together so.. "


SUHO : " If BTS didnt reveal yet then that means they protecting her , ofcourse they not going ot give her to us , this is not possible. Think some more llogical plan which we can execute "

(( EXO members took a sigh of relief when they found out you with BTS , now they can get their hands on you anyday. They are sure BTS members not going to touch you but they didnt knew its you who craving for BTS members touch and they getting weaker with each passing day ))

(( Jimin came back to dorm before other 5 members and as Jungkook was already in dorm so now that makes 2 bts members and you in dorm. You were on Jungkook's lap and Jungkook showing you overwatch when Jimin entered and walked close to you. You quickly dropped down from jungkook's lap and standing like a punished child ))

JIMIN : " You dont have to act like this infront of us , you dont have to even call us masters :) "

JUNGKOOK : " I would prefer DADDY tho ;) "


JUNGKOOK : " Listen baby , you can call me DADDY "


(( Jungkook laughed and jimin dragged you out of the room. You walked behind Jimin like a disciplined child. Jimin asked you to sit next to him and you sat down. ))

YOU : " I .. can i call you Jim.. JIMIN ?! "

JIMIN : " Ofcourse ,tho i would prefer oppa with it as i am older than you but still your choice :) "

YOU : " Thank you jimini oppa <3  "

(( With that you and Jimin started talking about so many things and jimin noticed how childish you are. Your talks and speech reflects your childish nature. Jimin lost in thoughts when his phone rang and he picked up the call ))

JIMIN : " KAI !!! "

(( KAI !! You panicked at the name and you dont want to show you panicked so you kept calm and Jimin keep talking. Kai knew you are there , may be somewhere near in dorm and he wanted you to know his threat. He wanted you to be scared so you dont even dare to forget that you are a " PURCHASED SEX SLAVE ". Jimin disconnected the call after some minutes ))

YOU : " Who.. who is KAI ?! "

JIMIN : " Oh one of my very closest friend. He is our sunbae, he is from another amazing group we admire named EXO. "

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