------------ FALLEN ANGEL & SINS OF YOUR LOVE --------------

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------------------------ PART - 5 -----------------------------

(( " GLUTTONY " .. The sin !! Dark clouds covered the sky , winds blowing your hair and beautiful victorian floral dress tangled with rose throns.You stuck in middle of rose garden and the heavy rain with thunderstorms already coming at your way with speed. You hate rain , you dont want to get wet and this is why you need to take shelter but what you hates more is damage to your beautiful victorian floral dress :( ))


(( You dont need help tho but still you screaming for help as if you're dieing. The dark clouds and wind already mixed with little rain drops and your eyes turned from silver to red in anger , it is like challenging rain " DONT YOU DARE TRY TO WET ME " . You trying to untangle your dress from throns and THEN.... ))

TAE : " May i help you :) ? "

(( You looked back and saw a beautiful angel looking guy standing in all white , you sure he is an angel .. ofcourse he is , only angel can look this beautiful. Your eyes for a moment forgot to blink ))

YOU : " Pl.. please.. my dress "

TAE : " Why you here in rose garden wearing such beautiful dress , dont you know rose throns are sharp and takes no time to damage who try to come close to the flower ? "

YOU : " I love Rose and .. "

TAE : " & ... ?! "

YOU : " Nothing , thank you !!! "

TAE : " Welcome , you called for my help so i came :) "

(( With that heavy rain started and without saying much you ran away from that angel who helped you. That angel standing there watching your frame running away from him. The smile on his lips already showed the love he started developing for you in his heart. You reached home and first person to greet you is Jungkook , ofcourse your crush , your love practically , your everything ))

JUNGKOOK : " I knew you will be back home soon , i mean its about to rain so ;) "

YOU : " I have to come back soon anyway. So did you missed me ?! "

(( Jungkook knew you are head over heels for him but he never looked at you like that. You and Jungkook from same clan and Jungkook anyway always interested in Jimin but you dont care about that as Jimin is not girl so you're ok with it. If it was some girl she would probably sleep to death by now. ))


(( Before Jungkook say furthur, you pushed him against the wall and your eyes clearly demanded the answer " I MISSED YOU SO MUCH " & Jungkook knew he can only get away from you if he give you the answer you asked ))

YOU : " SPEAK !!!! "


(( You let go off Jungkook's neck and in mean time Jimin entered with your 16th Birthday cake. Well you going to stop grewing at 16 so from now on your age will remain same. You blew up the candle and ofcourse first piece going to be in jungkook's mouth. You always loved Jimin as friend and this is why Jungkook and Jimin's closeness doesnt bother you, also the important reason is jimin's gender. He is boy so you dont find him threat ))

JIMIN : " So you are 16 now , what do you wish for a gift apart from Jungkook ?! "

YOU : " LOVE !!!! "

JIMIN : " Well... all the best then :) "

(( You , Jungkook and Jimin started bickering as all 3 of you are from same clan. Jimin is a vampire like you , but you are more than a vampire , you borned with vampire and wiccan's blood in human's womb. This makes you more eye catching and powerful , other side Jungkook is borned after an angel and demon's mating. You 3 are abondoned by your parents anyway so you grew up together.... MEANWHILE ))

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