---------------- YOUR SMILE DOES SOMETHING TO ME -------------------

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(( Picked your files , checked all the notes , grabbed dorm key and now straight walking out of dorm. The moment you set foot outside your dorm , everyone frezzes. The students in university are scared to death of your personality , they're scared that you'll snap & pick up fights for no reason, so they prefer to stay away from you :( ))

(( Why you're like this no one bother to know but yes everyone circulates rumuors about you in university that you may have horrible past or you're a witch, probably got molested or you're from criminal family , or you murdered someone.. Yes they leave no chance to circulate rumuors about you. Well all these does comes to your ear but to be honest you dont care about it anymore. You're tired of all these drama and seriously you just want to complete your graduation and fuck out of this place as soon as you can ))

(( You entered in your class and sat on last bench so that you dont have to see everyone's eyes on you. Your attire is like your personality , dark and deep. You are beautiful , probably most beautiful in college but your aura sends chills to everyone's spine, everyone's except ONE.. ONE WHO ENTERED , NO CRASHED IN YOUR LIFE OUT OF NOWHERE .. JUNG HOSOEK <3 ))

(( Your class finished and you walked towards dance studio to see the angel whom your heart crushing over , who dont let you sleep because of his bright face , who dont let you do things because of his charming aura. You hate how he attracts everyone in college , how he won heart of every single student and professor since his arrival but you're lieing if you say he didnt win your heart ))

JIMIN : " Hoseok hyung looks like your biggest fan is here ;) "

HOSOEK : " Oh.. Really ?! "

(( You noticed how hoseok turned towards you and gave you " THAT SMILE " .... Fuuuuuuck !!! He needs to stop smiling like that , his smile makes you fucking weak and here he giving that bright charming smile and your heart acting crazy. You didnt smile back as you dont even remmember if you ever smiled. Hosoek coming towards you and all your dominating aura flying out of window ))

HOSOEK : " So you came here to see my practice i guess ?! :) "

YOU : " No , i am just here to do swimming. "

HOSOEK : " Oh cool , are you planning to swim in my sweat ?! "

YOU : " Is this suppose to be a joke ?! "

HOSOEK : " Do you think its funny ?! "

YOU : " No its not !!! "

HOSOEK : " same what i felt for your reply too when i asked you did you came here to see my practice ? ;) "

(( WTF !! Hosoek really have audacity to talk to you like that , he just shut you up infront of whole class and that fucking smile still on his face. You rotate your eyes and saw everyone's jaw dropped the way conversation happened between you two. You dont know what to say so you turned and started leaving for your dorm when hoseok jumped out of window and grabbed your hand ))

HOSOEK : " You're really sensitive .. arent you ?! "

YOU : " WTF !! NO I AM NOT !!! "

HOSOEK : " & you lie too .. well so you're sensitive and lier both ? ;) "

(( Your eyes on the way his fingers wrapped around your wrist , if its someone else you probably would've killed that person by now but its JUNG HOSEOK and he makes you feel something which no one ever did. Hoseok noticed your eyes on the way he grabbed your hand so he decided its better to leave your wrist but the moment he did , you interlocked both your fingers and dragged him inside dance studio. Ok if previous scene between you and hoseok wasnt enough to give everyone heart attack then this scene is definetly shocked them to core. ))

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