------------------------------ MI AMOR HERMANO --------------------------

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------------------------------ PART - 1 ----------------------------------

(( MIN YOONGI ! MIN YOONGI ! MIN YOONGI ! The crowd cheering high for their favourite fighter yoongi whose body is wrapped in blood inside the ring , yoongi trying to open his eyes so that he can punch his opponent and break his neck but for that first yoongi needs to get on his feet 💔 . Yoongi's eyes & heart both dropping down when a sudden bunny smile flashed in front of his blood covered eyes & he jumped on his feet .. bunny smile of his precious 5 years old step-brother .. JUNGKOOK <3 ))

(( Yoongi swinged and started landing punch after punch , his blood swimming inside the ring and anger to finish his opponent is swimming inside his head. Yoongi grabbed the neck and twist it right and then left , a dead body on floor now. Everyone cheering for yoongi and yoongi quickly left the ring to get his money. ))

GD : " Congrats Yoon.. "


(( GD paid yoongi his share and with his share he quickly left. Yoongi didnt bother to take shower as its rainning outside so he just wore his black attire and quickly left for your house. You the one who takes care of jungkook when yoongi goes out for fights. You are not yoongi's girlfriend but his neighbour. Yoongi saved you one night from getting raped and since then you both became good friends. Well yoongi dont do friendship but he does trust you with his little brother , he dont trust anyone in this world as he is scared that one day he will lose his brother, one day his step parents will take jungkook away from him. Jungkook is the reason why yoongi left his criminal life and started fighting so that he can earn money and raise jungkook , give jungkook a better life but he is scared that his past will come knocking on his door and his past will take away his only hope in this dark world :( ))

(( You wrapped jungkook safely in blanket and went back to kitchen to steralize the bottle from which jungkook drinks milk. You are an art student and you are 2 years younger than yoongi. Yoongi is just 19 years old but he acts like 39 years old when he is around you. Yoongi strictly asked you to take care of his brother with all safety , if anything happens to jungkook then yoongi by himself going to slaughter you and feed you to vultures. You knew yoongi does what he says so its better to take care of jungkook with all precautions. You in kitchen when bell rang , you knew yoongi is back by now :) ))

YOU : " OH MY GOD OPPA !!! "

YOONGI : " What jungkookie doing ?! He is sleeping right ?! Did you feed him ?! The milk at correct temperature right ?! "

YOU : " Yes yes , i dont want to die so i taken care of piece of your heart with all safety. I would suggest you to go and take shower first , you are drenched with blood and that will scare kookie :( . "

YOONGI : " I need to see him first , i need to see if he is ok !! "

(( Ofcourse yoongi not going for shower unless his eyes confirms that jungkook is sleeping and safe. Once yoongi's eyes fell on jungkook and he confirmed jungkook's safety , he went for shower. After 10 minutes he came back and sat down to do dinner but his eyes were on his brother. Yoongi loves jungkook like a son more compared to brother. ))

YOU : " Oppa why dont you do some business ? i mean how long you going to fight ? these underground fights are extremly dangerous and if someday you die then think what will happen to jungkook ? who is going to take care of him ? you need to think about your and jungkook's future not only jungkook's future :( "

YOONGI : " I know , i am so stuck between lot of things. I am just scared of lossing jungkook. What if he hates me someday after coming to know about my past , about how i was once criminal and i earned money by killing people , at first by gun and now inside the ring ? "

BTS & YOU!! (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now