------------------- ESSENCE OF YOUR EXISTENCE ---------------------

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(( City light , windy night , chilly atmosphere & rain , in middle of all of these you met him who became essence of your exsistence. 8 PM and you coming back from shop , hand full of paint for your next art project and you forgot to bring umbrella , perfect. When you came out of your apartment you never knew you going to met rain and also your life.. your love .. your heart .. HIM <3 ))

(( You waiting for rain to stop falling so that you can reach home but its like rain in no mood to stop so you gave up and took bus. You entered the bus and rotate your eyes to find seat. In front the rain drops falling inside the bus through leak , on next side its an old couple sleeping , in middle its some bunch of creepy men , in back there is no light and on other side there is a couple, you shifted your eyes to only seat left and saw a boy lost in his own world , listening music and watching outside :) ))

(( You walked towards the seat and sat down once you reached. You are an artist, your eyes always admire art and this boy sitting infront of you is pure art. God taken a holiday to made this human surely. Silver hair , not so sharp but perfect jaw line , beautiful nose , broad forehead which covered with silky silver hair, lips are perfectly crafted and eyes are beautifully drawn. He is an art , no way a human can look this perfect. Your eyes captured his every detailing, you engraved that inside your brain so that once you reach home , you can lock him on your canvas ))

(( You have been looking at him since long and its like he dont care about it. He is listening music and watching outside window, that's it. City lights falling on his face with mixture of rain drop's reflection through glass and that brighten up his face more beautifully. You wanted to touch his face , you wanted to feel his soft skin against your skin , you wanted to  talk to him , listen him , wanted to hear his voice & THEN !!! ))

(( BUS STOPPED !!! He left the bus on han bridge and you thought this is it , this is the short one sided love story probably. You looked back on his seat and noticed he dropped his some belonging , you quickly picked up and asked bus to stop as bus already left that stopage. Its only 3 minutes from the distance he get down so its easy for you to run back to that stopage where he get down. You quickly reached and tried to search for him but its like he vanished in thin air. You searched almost entire han bridge and that's when you heared a loud splash of water.. HE COMMITED SUICIDE !!! ))

(( Your eyes covered with horror, you looked down from han bridge and saw his body disappearing in cold chilly water of han river. You tried to stop cars and ask for help but none did. Its rainy and no one ready to help you, you cant jump as you dont know swimming either. You searching for any sign of his struggle but its like he gave up on his life, there is no struggle in water , its clean suicide. You cant let him die so you calm your brain and thought how you can save him ?! You knew the place he jumped isnt much deep, he will survive if you get help in right time and in that moment your brain clicked. You noticed under construstion stairs which connects han bridge to river and without wasting time you took those stairs. Its very risky but for him you did , you dont know why you putting yourself in danger for him but it felt right to do. ))

(( After 10 minutes you finally reached there and asked for help from near by people. There were some fishermen who decided to help you and after 15 minutes they found him. You quickly took him to hospital as your phone's network fucked up so you unable to call and this is why no ambulance, no police, nothing came for your help :( . ))

----------------------- HOSPITAL ----------------------------

DOCTOR : " His lungs was filled with water but we pumped out so dont worry. "

YOU : " Thank you so much doctor , i will be back in morning to check on him. "

DOCTOR : " That's better. He is still unconsious so its better if you come in morning. "

BTS & YOU!! (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now