Chapter 4

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School was almost over, and you were standing outside the gates, waiting for your mum to pick you up. After waiting for only five minutes, you got a notification from your phone; which turned out to be a text message from her.
I'm really sorry y/n but I can't pick you up from school because of your little sister. Thankfully, one of our new neighbors said they could collect you because their child also goes to your school. Love, mum.
You raised your eyebrows at the last sentence. What new neighbor? You didn't remember getting a new neighbor. You just shrugged and kept on waiting.

" Hey y/n, are you waiting for your parents too?" A male voice behind you asked. You turned around to see who it was, and it was the person you least expected to socialize; Yoongi.
" Oh! Sup Yoongi, didn't see you there." You exclaimed, a bit surprised he tried to talk to you. He seemed to be the really silent type in class, but you weren't one to judge. He smiled back at you and nodded his head in understanding.
" By the way, my dad texted me and told me that he would be picking up someone else from our school, because apparently, that person lives in the same condominium as me." He said as he made an irritated face. But your eyes widened. Could it be Yoongi who was taking you back home?
" I know this is a random question but... do you live in ( condominium name )?" You asked, wondering if it was actually him.
" Yes...?"He replies suspiciously. Suddenly, you fist bumped the air out of happiness. Min Yoongi was picking you up from school! Thank god it wasn't someone you didn't know! That would have been a very awkward situation. But he seemed very confused at your sudden outburst.
" We live in the same apartment! Isn't that coincidental? And you're Dad's picking me up too!" You exclaimed gladly, doing a little happy dance. Even Yoongi's eyes started to twinkle as he grinned from ear to ear.
" Oh thank god it's you! I thought it was going to be a stranger." He stated, and you both sighed in relief.

As if on cue, a small light green car parked in front of you two, and the window rolled down to reveal a middle aged Asian man.
" Yoongi, I hope you found-" But he was interrupted by his son, who replied,
" Yeah dad. Y/n's with me now." His dad smiled kindly at you, and he unlocked the doors for both of you to get into the car.

The ride was short but pleasant. Mr. Min was a humorous and interesting man, but he seemed to be a bit strict when Yoongi came in to the conversation. After they finished their small arguments, you just sat there awkwardly until Yoongi turned towards you again. Finally, you all arrived at the condominium you lived in, and you turned to your left to say goodbye to Mr. Min as he entered his apartment. Before Yoongi could go in after him, you quickly grabbed his arm.
" Do any of the other boys live here too?" You asked out of curiosity.
" Yeah, it's only Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok though." He replied with a tight smile, as if mentioning his hyungs made him feel a little jealous. You thanked him and walked back into your apartment, right after he did the same.

( time skip )

" She lives here too? Man, can you believe our luck!" Jungkook exclaimed happily, and the others nodded in agreement.
" Well, if y/n does live here, should we go visit her?" Hoseok questioned. But Yoongi shook his head.
" That's not a good idea. She'll think we're desperate and it'll become obvious." He pointed out.
" Well, now we have a better chance of being with her than Namjoon, Seokjin and Taehyung." Jimin stated seriously, but he couldn't contain his feelings. He couldn't believe y/n lived in the same condominium as him! As if he read his mind, Jungkook said,
" Your not the only one who feels that way." Jimin pouted angrily but he just shrugged afterwards.
" I really hope I get a chance with y/n." Hoseok mumbled to himself, but everybody else felt the same.

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