Chapter 7

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The next day...

" Why does everyone tell me that all the new kids like me?" You muttered to yourself as you banged your head against your bedroom door.
" Ow... remind me not to do that again." You groaned, rubbing your head to ease the pain. You decided to call Talisa and ask her about what she thought.
" I need to know the truth. I can't live with rumors." Mumbling to yourself, you searched for her number in your contacts. After finally finding it, you pressed it and waited...

" Hey y/n, what's up?" A cheery voice said from the other end of the line.
" Nothing much, bro. I just wanted to ask you about your opinion on something." You replied nervously, and thankfully, she agreed.
" So what do you want to ask me about?" She questioned curiously.
" Well... do you think the new boys all have a crush on me? I decided to ask you because you're very observant." You replied, inquisitiveness running through your veins.
" To be honest, I think they do. They're making it really obvious. By the way, I saw what Jimin did on the first day of school. You know you can't hide anything from me!" She yelled the last sentence, which made you blush a deep shade of red. Thank god no one was there to see that.
" Okay, thanks. Bye."
What am I gonna do with all this information? If I go ask them, it will either turn into a sudden confession or an abrupt rejection, you thought tiresomely.
" What if they all confront me one day? How will I choose?"

( time skip to Monday)

Today, you woke up really early; 5:30 to be exact. School started at 8:00, so you had a lot of time left to do other things.
" I haven't finished watching the last episode of ( anime name )! Wait, ( favorite boy band ) just released a new song?!? It's only been two days and I'm so far behind in the kpop and anime category." You groaned, but then you smirked, " I bet Kaila doesn't know about this yet." But the sudden thought of her made you feel slightly confused for some reason. What she said on Saturday, along with Lauaa and Senethmi, seemed to really piss you off because why did they have to ask you for permission to have a crush on the new boys? It's not like you like them or anything! (Omg, that's such a tsundere thing to say, lol ) You decided it was time to get ready to go to school, so you took a shower and wore white sneakers, cute overalls and unfortunately the only top you could find was a white crop top.
" I guess I've got to stick with this." You said, eyeing the crop top in disgust. Why was that in your closet anyways? You just shook your head and went downstairs, and surprisingly, your father was cooking breakfast.
" You're up early for once." You exclaimed in shock. Usually he slept in until 10, but it was very odd to see him up here before mum.
" I could say the same thing about you." He replied without turning around. Peeking over his shoulder to see what he was making, you eyes lighted up when you saw it was the most professional looking bacon and eggs.
" Woah dad, you should cook more often." You said in awe as you started drooling. He smiled, barely acknowledging your compliment, and then put some food on your plate.
" Eat fast, the school bus will be here soon." He reminded.

( time skip )

You got on the school bus and rushed to the back so you could sit alone. No body at home could drop you in the morning because your whole family was busy, but your mum would pick you up after school. You expecting the bus door to close, but someone else who lived in your condominium got on. It was Jungkook. He looked around for a place to sit, and fortunately, he spotted you.
" Y/n!" He shouted, and made his way towards you. Sitting on your right side, you smiled at him and he returned the gesture.
" I didn't know you took the bus, is it only you?" You asked, hoping this wouldn't turn into a really awkward situation after what your friends told you.
" Yeah, it's just me. I only started today 'cause my parents are busy in the morning." He replied, and you slowly nodded.
" Me too. My dad has a job but my mum takes care of my sister. When he comes back home, my mum picks me up from school." You explained, which got a somehow confused look from Jungkook.
" You have a little sister? Since when?" He questioned eagerly, and you giggled at his curiosity.
" Since she was born, obviously. She's just three years old, so the age gap between us is quite large." You chuckled, which caused him to laugh with you. Suddenly, the bus made an unexpected turn, and you fell into the empty seat on your left. When you tried to get up, you felt something large above you. Jungkook was lying on top of you, his hands trapping you from moving. His entire face was glowing red from embarrassment, and yours wasn't any different. He immediately got up and you did the same, but both of you didn't talk for the rest of the ride.

Finally, after what seemed like centuries, the bus arrived at school; exactly at 8:00. You and Jungkook both got off together, but without making any eye contact. You spotted Kaila waiting for you alone, Lauaa and Senethmi were nowhere to be seen. You waved at her, and she waved back without any enthusiasm.
" Sup Kaila, what are you doing alone?" You asked, feeling kinda guilty for making her wait so long.
" Lauaa saw what happened on the bus when she was walking to school, and I know it's not your fault or Jungkook's, but you know about Lauaa's crush on him. She tried to hide as soon as she saw you coming." She replied stoically, an unreadable expression on her face. You widened your eyes, and you started to feel even more guilty.
" Should I go apologize to her and clear up any misunderstandings?" You asked, but Kaila shook her head.
" She knows you did nothing wrong, but she just wants to be alone with Senethmi to comfort her. She can't do anything about it, especially when her crush likes you instead."

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