Chapter 11

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Bangtan POV
The next day

The 7 new boys walked into school together, huddling in a large group. As soon as they entered through the gates, a rabid pack of girls blocked their path.
" Kyaa~ notice me senpai!" Most of them shouted, while others seemed to be on the verge of fainting. Everyone was used to it, and Seokjin enjoyed the attention, but they all secretly wished that y/n would feel the same way as their fangirls.
" Uh...hyung? Why do we have fangirls in the first place?" Jungkook whispered to Jimin, which made him chuckle.
" We probably all remind them of kpop idols." He replied with a smile, and Jungkook giggled cutely. Suddenly, they all heard a feminine voice calling out to them.
" Hey guys? Want some help?" The voice shouted, and they all knew who it was.
" y/n!" They yelled in unison as she was jogging to them. Their fans gave her some jealous and deceitful looks, but she chose to ignore them. As she pushed through the crowd, the boys could only stare in awe at the beautiful and captivating girl in front of them.

Your POV

Since the entire grade was literally scared of you, because of your intimidating appearance and extraordinary skills in doing everything right, the girls immediately scattered once you told them to get away.
" You're welcome." You said with a smirk directed at the boys, who were seemingly shocked at the power you had over the others.
" T-thanks." Namjoon stuttered, and the rest nodded nervously. You playfully laughed at their reactions and how cute it was. Wait...what did you just say?
" Just chill guys, it's not like I killed anyone." You joked, and they laughed, somehow a bit hesitantly.
" You seem to have a lot of control over these people, I wonder why?" Yoongi asked, and you just gave him a small smile.
" Many people have told me that I'm incredibly intelligent and stuff like that, which I hardly think is true, but they're mostly afraid of me because I just give off this dark aura when I'm mad. It's amusing to watch them flinch." You state, and the boys shake their heads at your silliness.
" But that's ridiculous! You're such a nice person, how can anyone be scared of you?" Taehyung questioned doubtfully.
" I just look scary, I'm not that mean, to be honest." You reply, which makes him grin and cup your face in his hands.
" You are a very sweet person, you know!"He exclaimed, causing you to blush slightly at his compliment, but then chuckle and gently move his hands off your face.
" Anyways, let's all go to class now." Seokjin said, and you all nodded in agreement, but suddenly Hoseok stopped you from walking.
" Hey y/n, I just noticed your friends aren't here!" He pointed out, and you pressed your lips together.
" They all told me yesterday that they were down with the flu." You said, lowering your head. Geez, you were such a loner today. They all gave you sympathetic looks, but Jimin's eyes lit up as he looked at his hyungs and then at you.
" That's totally fine. You can hang out with us then!" He suggested, and you grinned, totally knowing where this was going. How much more obvious can they be, lol, you thought jokingly.
" Alright, I'll hang out with you all." You agreed, which made Taehyung clap in delight. He tried to hold your hand, but before he could, his hyungs gave him some disapproving looks, causing him to pout sadly. Not long after, he regained his happy, energetic self and skipped to class with the others.

They entered the classroom together, which caught the class' attention. Everyone was whispering and staring at you, wondering how you managed to befriend the boys, but you all ignored them. Taking your seats as Ms Sara came in, somebody grabbed your shoulder from behind. It was obviously a girl, because her long claw-like nails dug into your skin. You turned around to see who wanted to annoy you, and it just had to be the worst person in the world; Jessica. She is probably the most prettiest girl in the grade, and most of the idiot boys in your class LOVED her, but the people with brains knew she was not to be trusted. She had sea green eyes and silky light brown hair, she also wears wayy too much makeup that it hurts to look at her face.
" Hahaha, honestly it's so hard to believe that these new boys would be your friends. There's literally nothing to like about you! I'm so perfect that every boy wants me, and what about you? Just a loner in the corner without anyone beside you." She whispers into your ear spitefully, but you both knew that wasn't true. You were one of the most popular yet quiet students in the grade, but Jessica was just jealous. Instead of being mad, you just laugh in her face.
" Who are you to talk? If you say every boy wants you, then why haven't the new kids even looked your way? Stop living in your fantasy Barbie world and just wake up." You spat, which caused her to blush deeply with anger.
" Listen here, you little shit, don't ever think anyone's gonna like you. You're just a-" But her words were cut off by a glaring maknae line.
" What did you say about y/n? Say it again, I dare you." Jungkook demanded, but no words came out of Jessica's mouth. She was too shocked to even speak.
" Y/n will always be nicer than you could ever be, stop shaming her when you're just self- conscious." Taehyung hissed irritatedly.
" I- I didn't m-mean to d-do t-that." She stammered with a nervous laugh, but then Jimin's death glare towards her caused her to immediately shut up, and it even scared you.
" If you ever talk about y/n like that again, we won't hesitate to report you to a teacher so you'll be in big trouble." He stated with a scowl on his face. Jessica quietly squealed, but it was loud enough for you to hear, and she turned back to her own table. You just sat there in shock and tried to process the scene that occurred in front of you.
" Um... well, thanks guys." You said hesitantly, slightly afraid of them now. The maknae line turned towards you and replaced their angry faces with a smile.
" You're welcome!" They exclaimed in unison.

For the rest of the day, you had three wonderful bodyguards taking care of you and keeping you away from trouble. What did I do to deserve all this attention?

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