Chapter 30

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" Don't you ever think that any of the boys would love you. They'll all be mine, and you can't do anything about it. If you try anything funny or risky, it'll either be Jungkook or your best friends in pain. What I did to you was just a warning..."

Your eyes widened at the threat that was written on the piece of paper. Namjoon took from your hands, and as he read it, his expression changed from confusion to disbelief.
" Who the hell would do this to anyone??" He said angrily.
" Some psycho or serial killer would, that's for sure." You replied, anger clearly shown in your voice. Lauaa was still suffering from her wounds as she shivered and shook in agitation and agony. It deeply hurt you to see her in a state like this.
" Hey Lauaa, lets take you to the infirmary ok?" You softly said, not being able to bear what you were seeing.
" N-no infirmary p-please. They'll b-be s-suspicious.." She muttered, and you stroked her head with sadness. Your heart felt as if it was torn into pieces. To see one of your closest friends like this was really heart wrenching. Namjoon could only watch in sympathy as you teared up from sorrow and Lauaa cried from torment.
" Do you want Namjoon to leave?" You whispered gently to her, and she weakly nodded her head.
" Um.. Namjoon, I'm not trying to be rude but do you mind if you could go for a little bit?" You asked, and he smiled.
" Of course, I'll give you your privacy." He replied kindly before walking away and leaving the both of you alone.
" Do you have any idea who did this to you Lauaa?" You questioned, and she thought for a while.
" Well, I k-knew it was a-a girl, but I'm n-not sure who it w-was." She quickly stuttered, and you patted her back.
" Take your time Lauaa, it's alright."
" Um so... she had light b-brown hair and light skin, but I couldn't see her f-facial features." She explained, and that description seemed familiar to you; as if you knew her attacker.
" That sounds oddly similar to someone I'm close with, but I can't put my finger on it." You stated with a perplexed expression. Suddenly, you heard running and footsteps coming your way, and as you both turned your heads to see who it was, it just happened to be Kaila and Senethmi; who were looking for you. Once they saw Lauaa, they lost it. Especially Senethmi. Kaila was extremely pale, as if she's seen a ghost, and Senethmi? She was already bawling her eyes out. She ran up to Lauaa and hugged her weak body, and she smiled softly and hugged back.
" I'm ok now Sene, don't worry." She reassured her, but she wasn't listening.
" W-Who would d-do this t-to y-you?? I absolutely refuse to believe someone attacked you!! They wouldn't have any reason to! What did you do to anyone??" She lashed out, not on Lauaa, but to whoever had hurt her. Lauaa showed Senethmi the note, and as she fearfully read it, all the blood ran out from her face.
" What... what is this?" She asked with a much more quiet voice, but you could tell she was terrified for Lauaa and her other friends.
" Someone has tortured Lauaa because she likes Jungkook, that's probably the most yandere thing I've ever heard of." You explained, and Kaila smacked your arm.
" Dude, this is serious. There's literally no need to use anime terms right now." She deadpanned.
" How else can I describe it then??" You snapped, and Senethmi face palmed.
" Guys stop arguing, it's really not necessary." She scolded, and her focus went back to Lauaa.
" Can you stand up at least?" She asked her sweetly, and she tried to, but she was having a hard time. You placed her arm around your shoulder so she could lift herself as you helped her walk. More tears fell from Senethmi's face, also yours and Kaila's.
" I don't know why anyone would go this far to hurt someone just because of some crush." Kaila said with exasperation, and you agreed.
" Honestly, if this anonymous person continues to attack like this, then let's just date each other and confuse her. Kaila, you're my girlfriend and Senethmi, you can have Lauaa." You exclaimed jokingly, and Kaila laughed. Senethmi, on the other hand, was in panicked gay mode, and rapidly shook her head.
" No no no, I'm straight, what are you talking about?!"
You all had a good laugh after that, and a feeling you all were glad to feel; happiness and friendship. Even Lauaa was genuinely smiling.
" Let's stay together alright guys? Let's not leave each other for anyone else. I haven't had a friendship as close as this before. We really should take care of one another, especially during hard times. Promise me, that we'll always be together." You stated seriously, and they all looked at you with emotion in their eyes. Kaila held your hand, Senethmi held hers, and Lauaa held Senethmi's.
" Let's stay together, and not stray from the friendship."

Anyone noticed the stray kids reference??
Anyways, this was quite an emotional chapter to write, and I'm pretty sure my friends are gonna cry when they read this ( unicorngunsroses , little_min_yoongi )
So yeah, it was basically based on our friendship. Well, I have nothing else to say so byee my lovely readers ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(Btw it's Winwin from NCT 's bday tomorrow uwu, Stan legends, stan NCT )

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