Chapter 23

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The next day before school started...

You were sick. Like literally, you were down with some terrible cold that came out of nowhere. Just as you were about to wake up to go to school, you burst into a raspy coughing fit that lasted for at least five minutes. Thankfully, your mum let you skip school just this once and you got to stay home and do nothing. Except for watching anime and kpop MVs. As soon as your mum left to drop your little sister off at her kindergarten and then go to work, you weakly rushed to your computer and brought it to the bed so you could wrap yourself like a burrito with blankets and then watch whatever you wanted.

(Time skip)

You were happily watching (anime name) without any disturbances, until your phone got a notification.

Anonymous: Hey y/n, are you alright?

You were confused by this text message. You never gave your phone number to anyone, so you replied with,

You: um... who are you?

Anonymous: Oh, I'm Yoongi

You: how did you get my number?

Yoongi: Talisa gave it to me

You: of course she did, that little...

Yoongi: hahaha anyways, I wanted to know if you were ok

You:👍 I'm totally fine
          Although I'm pretty sick

Yoongi: So that's why you didn't come to school today.

You: yep

Yoongi: btw I'm coming to your apartment today

You: wait what...since when

Yoongi: hehe your mum let me come over cause I called her and asked

You: You have my mums number?!

Yoongi: yeah she has all of our numbers

You: srsly?
         What are you gonna do here anyway?

Yoongi: hang out with you obvs 😑

You: omg you used an emoji! 🤯

Yoongi: whatever I have to go because school is in the way😒

You: k byee

Yoongi: see you later then

So, that was a weird conversation. Looks like Yoongi is coming to your house today for some random reason. You checked the time, and it turned out that school was almost over so Yoongi was coming soon. Jumping off your bed and out of your blanket burrito, you walked to your bedroom door to see what your room looked like.
It was an absolute mess. Pillows were on the floor, blankets were dangling off the side of your bed, clothes were everywhere and your underwear was right smack in the middle of your room, visible for the whole world to see.
" I need to clean this up immediately." You whispered to yourself, flustered.

( time skip )

Finally, your room was nice and neat again, and you wiped the sweat off your forehead. You actually sweat after cleaning your room. Suddenly, the bell rang. It must be Yoongi, you thought hopefully. After letting out a raspy cough from your throat, you ran to open the door, and there stood the most surprising thing ever; Yoongi wearing glasses.

 After letting out a raspy cough from your throat, you ran to open the door, and there stood the most surprising thing ever; Yoongi wearing glasses

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" Omg Yoongi, you look so cute!" You exclaimed teasingly with a giggle, and he rolled his eyes.
" I should've taken them off. I knew you'd tease me, and Emma wouldn't get off my arm, eternally telling me I looked adorable." He exasperated, and you laughed, but a sudden cough stopped you. Yoongi went into a concerned mama bear mode as he patted your back.
" Let's go to your room so you can rest in your bed." He stated, and you nodded weakly. Somehow, your cough had gotten worse, and it was immediately after you answered the door. I shouldn't have run to the door like an idiot. A few more itchy and dry coughs escaped your throat, and Yoongi kept patting and stroking your back as you went to your room. After laying down on the bed, he sat at the edge and looked around your room.
" Did you clean it up or something? You didn't have to do that for me." He said warmly, and you gave him a large grin.
" I'm glad I did. I had some unwanted things lying around." You replied jokingly, suddenly remembering your underwear which made you blush. He chuckled at your response and took a quick look at your computer.
" ( kpop group name ) ? Really? I'm actually into American hip hop to be honest." He confessed, and your eyes widened in mock surprise.
" Well, that's interesting." You exclaimed with a tight smile, and Yoongi just looked at you with an annoyed expression.
" You must enjoy teasing me." He said irritatedly, and you ruffled his mint colored hair.
" Yep, it's fun." You stated, and he smirked before saying,
" By the way, I have something important to ask you..."

What do you think about that song??
Omg it's so cute and Suga and Jhope actually have really good voices because this was performed on stage❤️❤️❤️

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter!

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