Chapter 20

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When you walked in with Jimin, you noticed all 6 of them were already there. They were sitting at a large table in the corner while talking and having fun. Suddenly, Jimin wrapped one arm around your waist, which caught you by surprise, and just as you were about to push it away, the boys noticed you. They all turned and sat frozen in one place. They've never seen you in a dress before, which caused all of them to blush deeply. They also realized that Jimin's hand was still on your waist, and they glared angrily at him, but he just smugly smirked back. You both sat on the remaining chairs, and you sat in between Namjoon and Jimin.
" So, since everyone's here, let's order." Seokjin said eagerly, and everybody agreed. Before the food arrived, you all started with some small talk.
" You look really pretty y/n." Jungkook complimented with a blush, and you thanked him kindly.
" Never expected to see you in a dress." Yoongi teased, and you playfully glared at him.
" Oh shut up! It's not like I'm ever gonna wear this again." You pointed out and he chuckled.
" Of course you not." He grinned, and you jokingly rolled your eyes at him.
You just noticed that everyone else was wearing suits, and they all looked extremely attractive in them.
" Argh! Where's the food??" Taehyung whisper shouted, and Hoseok gave him a smack on the head.
" It's not gonna magically appear in five minutes, genius." He scolded, and Taehyung apologized while rubbing his head. They're like children, you thought while silently laughing.

Finally, the food came, and Seokjin was the first to dig in. It was literally a race between the 8 of you, because the food was going fast. Soon, all of it disappeared, and everyone was stuffed. Randomly, you had a sudden urge to go to the bathroom, so you excused yourself before saying,
" When you guys order dessert, get whatever you want for me. I'll eat anything." And you left to go to the ladies' room.

Bangtan POV

" Was anyone else shocked when she wore that dress?" Namjoon asked, and they all nodded in agreement.
" But y/n looks really pretty, it's too bad she won't wear it often." Jimin sulked, and the others chuckled at your attitude towards the dress.
" She looks beautiful with or without it though." Jungkook pointed out, and Taehyung giggled.
" Did no one get the dirty meaning behind that?" He questioned cheekily, and got another smack on the head from Hoseok.
" Don't say ridiculous things like that." He scolded again, and Taehyung rolled his eyes.
" What are you? My mum?" He asked irritatedly, and everyone face palmed at their behavior. Suddenly, Jimin excuses himself and said,
" Guys, I'm gonna go to the washroom too." And without waiting for a response from the others, he walked towards the bathroom.

Jimin POV

His actual plan wasn't to go to the bathroom, but to meet y/n. He waited for her to come outside so he could corner her.

Your POV

After you washed your hands, you dried them and opened the bathroom door. Surprisingly, Jimin was leaning against the wall, and he seemed to be waiting for you.
" Jimin, what are you doing here?" You asked, confused. He smirked, and all of a sudden, a hand grabbed your wrist and you were pinned against the wall, with Jimin's hands blocking you from escaping.
" I finally caught you~" He said in a teasing tone, and you were beyond perplexed.
" What the hell are you doing? Let me go!" You shouted, but his hand covered your mouth.
" Shush y/n, I'm not gonna kidnap you or anything. I just had to tell you something very serious in secret." He explained slowly, and moved his lips to your ear as he whispered,
" I've liked you for quite a long time now, and I'm pretty sure I've made it obvious, but what do you say y/n? Will you be mine?"

Your eyes widened at his confession and how close he was to you. Another one? I'm gonna go crazy if everyone confessed to me one by one.
He noticed your silence, and slightly backed away, staring deep into your eyes.
" I'll understand if you don't feel the same way, but I just wanted to let you know." He said sadly, and he tried to walk away, but you grabbed his wrist.
" It's not like that, Jimin, I promise. It's just that I can't choose between all of you. I don't want to break 6 hearts!" You replied guiltily, and he gave you a small smile.
" You're so sweet y/n. Thinking about our feelings before yours, and that's why I like you." He stated kindly, before doing something unexpected. Suddenly grabbing your waist, he pulled you into a deep kiss, and you were slightly shocked, but then let him do it anyway. You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck, and you played with his hair. He was certainly enjoying the fact that you were cooperating, so he did something even more surprising. His lips moved to your neck as he gave it butterfly kisses, causing you to freeze in panic. You face had never been more red in your entire life as it had been now. He kissed your collarbone slowly, and you slightly regretted wearing that dress, although, it didn't hurt to say you enjoyed it. He moved away from your neck and kissed your lips again, a bit more aggressive and passionate this time. His plump lips were soft against yours like cushions, but you avoided that weird thought. Your body felt fluttery and warm, and his kiss gave you butterflies. Soon, you both were out of breath, and Jimin genuinely smiled warmly at you before you both headed back to the table, unaware that someone had been watching the two of you in sadness.

Well, there are still a few more kiss scenes left😏😏
You probably feel like a hoe rn don't you?😝😝
Anyways, pls keep reading and waiting for updates cause they come everyday. And also pls vote!!!

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