Chapter 16

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Yoongi widened his eyes at your strange request and blushed at the thought of you wearing one of the boys' T-shirts. Fortunately, everyone was done changing, so he let you in, and they were slightly surprised when you asked for what you wanted. Why are they making it so awkward for me??
" Since this is my house, I'll give you one of my small T-shirts. I'm pretty sure it'll still be big for you though." Jungkook giggled, and you kindly smiled at him. When he went to get his T-shirt, you saw that Hoseok And Seokjin were already asleep, but when you tried to converse with the others who were awake, they immediately got up from bed.
" I heard y/n's voice! Y/n is that you?" Seokjin asked sleepily, struggling to open his eyes. You chuckled at his adorable expression, and strolled to the side of the bed to flick his forehead. It surely woke him up, because his eyes fluttered open and he rubbed his forehead in pain. Hoseok was looking around the room with his eyes barely open, and afterwards he just went back to bed. You covered your mouth to contain your laughter, and then you turned towards the others again.
" So how is it that they get to sleep on the bed while all of us have to sleep on the floor?" You asked with mock irritation.
" Well, they got to the bed first and they refused to get up, so we just left them like that. Thankfully, kookie has some sleeping bags for us." Jimin explained with a bored expression, and you just rolled your eyes.
" That's ridiculous, it's not fair for you guys!" You protested, which made Taehyung giggle at your desperate attempt to make things fair.
" Aww y/n, you're too nice. Just let them be, they came first anyways." He grinned. You just shrugged in defeat and moved to Hoseok's side of the bed to ruffle his already messy bed hair. Under the covers, you could see his slight smirk. Finally, Jungkook came back with a plain white T-shirt in hand.
" What took you so long? I know you have a lot of clothes, but they're all just white T-shirts! Why couldn't you just quickly grab one?" Yoongi spat, and Jungkook blushed and quietly murmured,
" I wanted to choose the best T-shirt for her." You were grateful for his kind actions even though he certainly took his time. You thanked him and went back to the bathroom to change.

Entering the bedroom again, this time you're wearing Jungkook's T-shirt and your shorts, you surprised to see the boys were still awake.
" Guys, it's almost 3:00 am! Why are you still up?" You questioned, suddenly feeling like an angry mother. They all stopped chatting and paused to look at you. The T-shirt was way too big, and it reached up to your knees. Literally everyone in the room had bright red faces, but you chose to ignore it, although a blush of your own appeared on your face. They all stop staring after they realized what they were doing. On the floor were 6 sleeping bags for you and the boys, excluding Seokjin and Hoseok of course. You walked towards your " bed " and got inside comfortably. You completely covered yourself because of the cold and said a loud "Goodnight." for the boys to hear, and they replied back in unison. Slowly, you all drifted off to sleep.

( time skip )

" Thank you so much for coming, y/n." Mr. Jeon exclaimed, and you nodded respectfully.
" Thank you for inviting me." You replied and smiled at Jungkook, who was awkwardly standing next to his father to say goodbye to you. The other boys left before you, and your mum wasn't gonna let you into the apartment if you didn't thank Mr. Jeon.
" It was fun." Jungkook said genuinely, while staring straight at you. It was kind of intimidating. You waved goodbye to them, but before you could walk out the door, he suddenly grabbed your wrist.
" I just wanted to ask if you would like to hang out some more next time." He suggested hopefully. You gave him a large grin and replied,
" Of course I will! It's fun hanging out with you." That made his eyes light up but you continued, " When I say you I mean the others too."
Friend zoned..
He gave you a tight smile to hide his disappointment, but his heart fluttered at what you did next. Standing on your toes, you gave Jungkook a quick kiss on the cheek, and you felt his face heat up immediately. He just stood there, frozen, and as you said goodbye to him, he touched the place where you kissed him and smiled.
" My hyungs shall never know about this."

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