Chapter 6

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You widened your eyes in shock and confusion.
" Wait... what?!" You whisper shouted, a perplexed expression on your face. But Kaila, Lauaa and Senethmi stared at you as if you were crazy.
" Are you living under a rock? It's so obvious!" Kaila groaned, pure irritation on hers and the other two's faces.
" You guys are crazy! They can't have crushes on me, I just met them!!" You yelled loudly, which caught the attention of the 7 new boys.
" What are you guys yelling about?" Hoseok asked, poking his nose into your business.
" Tell me about this later in detail." You whispered to Kaila, and then you turned to him,
" It's nothing, just some stuff about our favorite anime; that's all." You lied with a fake smile. Hoseok nodded in understanding, and as soon as he turned around, you looked back at your friends with a serious expression on your face.
" This better not be a mean joke." You said in a slightly threatening manner, which seemed to scare them a bit.

( time skip )

" So... that was fun, I guess." You randomly burst out to get rid of the awkward silence. Everybody turned to look at you, and then nod and murmur in agreement.
" Yeah, it was pretty fun, but we should've done something else." Namjoon suggested, feeling a bit disappointed. Suddenly, a great idea popped into your head.
" Hey guys, why don't you all come to my house for a movie? That won't be boring!" You asked everyone, and they all seemed to agree. So all the boys followed you back to your apartment, but unfortunately, the girls couldn't come. Looks like I'll be alone with the boys, you thought nervously. After arranging all the cushions in front of the tv screen and making some popcorn, you all voted on a movie to watch.
" I don't have too many movies, and most of them are horrors. I hope that's okay with all of you?" You asked with a small smile, and most of them nodded; but Seokjin and Hoseok didn't seem to agree.
" A-are horror movies the only g-genre you have? No f-fantasy... or s-sci- fi?" Seokjin stammered, and Hoseok rapidly nodded. Those two were such cowards, which made you giggle at their behavior.
" I'm really sorry you two but I don't have anything else. You don't have to watch if you like." You replied, hoping it would make them feel better. To be honest, you were also pretty terrified by jump scares and odd monsters, but you were never really scarred by them; it was just a form of entertainment. Seokjin and Hoseok shared an anxious glance, but Yoongi spoke for them.
" They'll watch the movie because it's all you have to offer, right? It'll be rude if they just sat somewhere else and did nothing." He said, forcing a smile on his face, and then the two seemed to catch on.
" Yeah, we'll watch the movie." They both said in unison, and then you grinned in delight.
" Alright then, that's great! But it looks like I need to get more popcorn and drinks, because someone might have eaten them all." You murmured as you eyed Taehyung and Jungkook, who were both greedily gobbling up everybody's food.

Let's see... Annabelle? No, everyone's watched that. How about... IT? Nope, definitely not. Argh, I don't know!" You yelled out in frustration. You were finding it quite hard to pick a horror movie out of all the options you had. What's the most scariest horror movie you've ever watched? I know! It's... The Shining!
" Guys, I found the perfect movie to watch! What do you all think about The Shining?" You asked, hoping you got some positive responses from the boys.
" Well, I'm okay with it, The Shining's not a bad movie." Jungkook agreed with a shrug, and gradually, so did everybody else.
" Yay! So I guess we're watching that!" You exclaimed happily. All of them fought to sit next to you, and the two lucky winners happened to be Taehyung and Hoseok. Since you've seen the movie before, it was a bit boring, but what you enjoyed the most was Hoseok's girly screams. Every five minutes, you had to keep refilling the drinks and reserving more popcorn because Jungkook kept eating them.
" I can eat as much as I want because I'm a growing boy!" Which was his excuse, and it caused you to playfully roll your eyes.

( time skip )

" That was such an awesome movie! We should do this more often." Taehyung stated with enthusiasm, and everyone agreed.
" As long as it's not horror, then I'll go along with it." Seokjin said, which made everybody laugh.
" You guys should hang out with me here more often too. It'll be fun with all 8 of us!" You suggested, and you barely noticed the small twinkle in each of the boys' eyes. After you said your goodbyes, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok went back to their apartments, and the others left to their homes, but not before Seokjin blew a kiss at you; and it made you feel very flustered.
" Mum, They're gone now !" You shouted, and then you heard feet walking on the wooden floor towards you.
" Hello dear! How was the movie and the ice cream?" She asked eagerly and maybe a little...suspiciously.
" It was fun, but Kaila, Sene and Lau weren't there for the movie." You replied, not really paying attention to what you were saying.
" So you're telling me you were alone with 7 boys, watching a movie?" Your mum questioned mockingly, which made you feel embarrassed and annoyed at the same time.
" It's not like that! We didn't do anything inappropriate, don't worry! Don't you trust your child?" You answered, with the same mocking tone. Your mum just laughed and responded,
" How can I trust you when all of them are inhumanly attractive? And also, they all seem to take an interest in you."

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