Chapter 21

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When you and Jimin went back to the table, dessert was waiting for the both of you. Everyone was giving you two odd and confused looks until Namjoon spoke up.
" Why did you both take so long?"
You looked at Jimin with a barely noticeable, nervous glance.
" We just happened to coincidentally meet when we both came out of the bathroom." He lied, and you silently sighed in relief. You both took your places and sat on your seats, as you quickly ate the dessert that was ordered for you.

( time skip )

" Thanks for the dinner guys." You said gratefully, and they all nodded their heads.
" I guess we should thank our parents because they planned all this." Seokjin exclaimed, and everyone agreed. As you all stepped out of the restaurant, someone tapped you on the shoulder.
" By the way y/n, my dad and I are gonna drop you, because your mum said it'll be easier for her." Jungkook informed, a little reluctance in his voice.
" Of course my mum would say that. She's just too lazy so she puts all the pressure on you." You complained, making him laugh.
" Anyways, my dad's already here so let's go." He pointed out after laughing, and he waved goodbye to his hyungs.
" See you tomorrow at school!" You exclaimed, and they waved back, kind of jealous that you were going home with Jungkook.
You both walked to the parking lot to find a dark red car waiting for you two. Mr. Jeon was busily typing things on his phone until he noticed the both of you, so he unlocked the doors. After you both went in, he asked,
" How was the dinner?"
And in unison, you both replied,
" It was good." He nodded at your answer, but he wasn't surprised that it was very straightforward.
" So, what did you do?" He questioned again. Parents, always being so nosy, you thought jokingly.
" We didn't really do much except for eating." Jungkook told him, and then Mr Jeon turned to you.
" Oh y/n, I forgot to tell you, I asked your mum if you could help Jungkook with some of his homework because you're really smart from what he tells me," He explained, making Jungkook blush a little, " And your mum said it was alright. But are you ok with it?"
You thought for a while, and realized that you had nothing to do after school tomorrow anyways, so it would have been ok if you helped Jungkook.
" Sure I'll do it, but what time tomorrow?" You asked, and Mr Jeon smiled warmly.
" Anytime you want."

(Another time skip I'm sorry😅)

The next day after school...

" So... what happened? You need to spill the beans, child." Kaila asked eagerly, a smirk plastered on her face.
You rolled your eyes before lying,
" Nothing interesting happened at all. We just ate food and came back."
She face palmed before grabbing your shoulders, which were probably quite high for her to reach because she was pretty short.
" I know you're lying, y/n. You can't hide anything from me. Just tell me, I'm your best friend!" She groaned curiously, and you teasingly patted her head.
" Are you sure you're my best friend?" You asked jokingly, and she smacked you on the arm.
" Hey! Stop joking around and just tell me!!" She scolded angrily, and you chuckled, totally enjoying torturing her.
" Fine, but let me say this briefly. Before I went to the restaurant, Hoseok kissed me, and during the dinner, Jimin kissed me in secret." You explained with a bored look on your face, but Kaila's expression was priceless.
" Wait what?!?!?!." She shouted, and you covered her mouth with your hand while laughing. " So how many boys have you kissed already?" She asked to double check.
" Three." You said mindlessly, and her mouth was wide open.
" Y/n, that's actually a lot of people when you think about it. What if one of them finds out? That's not gonna end well for you." She pointed out, and you looked at her with shame.
" Oh god, what have I done? It's just that I don't wanna hurt their feelings by pushing them away." You murmured guiltily.
" It's time to think of yourself before others y/n. I know it's hard but-" Thankfully, Kaila's lecture was interrupted by a voice behind you saying,
" Hey y/n, are you ready to go?"
Turning around to see who it was, it happened to be Jungkook, who was waiting for you to finish talking so you both could go home together.
" What is it Jungkook?" You questioned kindly, and he face palmed because you seemed to have forgotten already.
" Y/n, you're supposed to help me with my homework, remember?" He reminded, and then it hit you.
" Oh, now I remember, sorry I forgot." You said apologetically, and he shook his head at your memory loss.
" Well, my dad's here so are you coming?" He questioned impatiently as he grabbed your hand. The action shocked you because you knew Jungkook wasn't the type to make physical contact with girls. You waved goodbye to Kaila and she gave you a helpful thumbs up before you and Jungkook went into Mr Jeon's car.

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