Chapter 5

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" Ugh... why is my alarm clock still on when it's a Saturday?" You muttered to yourself as you grumpily woke up. Yesterday was the first day of school, and you found that was a bit weird because it was the weekend right after. Anyways, you didn't really care because you got to sleep the whole day. Lazily, you got up to check the time, which turned out to be 11:00am.
" y/n! I've made breakfast two hours ago! You better be downstairs or no lunch either!" You heard your mum yell from the kitchen. Groaning, you didn't want to get out of the room, but you were pretty hungry, so you ran as fast as you could; almost knocking into your father.
" Woah y/n, slow down! It's not like I'm gonna steal your food or anything!" He said with a slight smirk.
" Well, that's exactly what you'll do if I don't hurry!" You spat as he chuckled and ruffled your hair. As you rushed to the table, your mum suddenly blurted,
" Hey y/n, what do you think of those Korean boys next door?"
You stopped eating midway with food in your mouth and replied,
" They're really nice and fun people to be with. They're the new kids in my class."
Your mum nodded in understanding, and then, suddenly, an idea came to her head.
" Why don't you hang out with those boys today? It'll be fun~" She suggested, but you pouted.
" Aw c'mon, I had plans for watching anime and k pop MVs!" You groaned, but your mum shook her head disapprovingly.
" No y/n, you need to be social. Go talk and have some fun with them!" She exclaimed, trying very hard to persuade you. Well, they were nice to be around, and they were interesting to talk to...
" Fine, I'll go. But not for a long time, ok?" You decided, which made your mum clap in delight. Unfortunately, your dad was listening to the entire conversation, and he didn't seem to approve.
" Are you only going out with boys? And how many of them? You know, this is the age your hormones kick in and you get all these sorts of feelings. I bet those boys feel the same way too!" He yelled quite angrily, which caused you to roll your eyes at his fatherly instincts.
" I'll be fine, dad. They don't feel like that about me. We just met yesterday, anyways." You stated irritatedly. He let out a small "😤", but he let it slide.

You went upstairs to take a shower and get ready. You wore something like this:

After you put on a little bit of makeup, which was something you rarely did because you didn't go out that much, you were about to open the door and walk out, but someone from the other side opened it before you

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After you put on a little bit of makeup, which was something you rarely did because you didn't go out that much, you were about to open the door and walk out, but someone from the other side opened it before you. In front of you stood all of the 7 new kids, and surprisingly, Kaila, Senethmi and Lauaa were there too.
" Hey y/n, it looks like you're ready to go, right?" Namjoon asked, and you nodded but you were confused because they came to your house without any invitation.
" If you're wondering why we're here before you, your mum contacted all of us and told us you wanted to hang out." Seokjin replied as he read your mind. You quickly glanced back at your mum, who was grinning like an idiot. You shook your head in exasperation, but then you waved goodbye to your family before you went out.

" So where are we going, guys?" You asked, hoping this wasn't just a day of walking around the parking lot.
" Maybe we should go get some ice cream first, don't you think?" Kaila suggested, which seemed to be the most popular option so far. You all walked to the closest ice cream shop, which happened to be Baskin Robbins; your favorite place. ( I'm sorry if you don't like my choosing, but it's just a story; deal with it ). Everyone picked their favorite flavors and you picked yours. Everyone equally paid for the ice cream, and then you all went outside. Taehyung and Jimin tried to start a conversation with you, but suddenly, three pairs of arms grabbed you and sat you onto a bench.
" Yo! What's your problem?" You shouted, but it turned out to be your best friends.
" I know this is weird, but can we talk to you about something?" Kaila asked nervously, and you nodded your head. She shared a uncertain glance with Lauaa and Senethmi, but they gestures for her to go on.

" Well... you know that I'm seriously into those cute k pop boys and stuff, and Lauaa and Senethmi feel the same way too." Kaila took a deep breath before continuing, " We all kinda have... feelings for the new boys."
You were slightly confused because they were making such a big deal out of it. Who wouldn't have a crush on those 7 attractive boys?
" So, I like Jimin, Kaila likes Taehyung and Lauaa likes Jungkook. Are you ok with that?" Senethmi questioned with her fingers crossed. You just laughed out of amusement.
" Why wouldn't I be ok with that? You're allowed to have crushes on them!" You answered, maybe a bit too loudly, which caused them to shush you in unison.
" We asked you first because we didn't want to ruin our friendship." Lauaa stated, feeling guilty as she bit her lip.
" How could it ruin our friendship? What kind of damage would that do?" You teasingly asked, but Kaila replied with the most serious face you had ever seen.
" It's because all 7 of them seem to like you."

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