Chapter 18

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" W-what?" You muttered quietly, extremely in shock because of what Hoseok just said to you. He squeezed your hands and let out a shaky breath.
" Maybe I've made it really obvious already, and if you do know about my feelings for you, then what's your answer?" He questioned seriously, and traces of his energetic and happy self were gone. You were speechless for words, not expecting the first confession to come from him. His eyes now held a desperate and longing gaze as he stared into yours, making you feel really nervous. Should I just tell him that I know?
" Well, Hoseok, before I answer your question, I think you should know something first..." You trailed off, but he nodded his head for you to continue, " You're not the only one who has feelings for me. So do the others, and I mean all of them." He raised his eyebrow at the explanation, but surprisingly, he laughed for some reason.
" Wow, I never thought you would figure that out! You seemed to be really clueless even though we were making it so obvious." He exclaimed, and you pouted and crossed your arms in mock anger. He grinned widely at you, and all the tension from before faded away.
" I actually asked Namjoon about it, and before that my friends kept telling me you all liked me." You said honestly, and he chuckled softly.
" Of course you didn't figure it out on your own." He teased, earning a light punch on his arm from you. You both laughed together, but suddenly once again, he became serious.
" You didn't answer my question though. How do you feel?" When you looked away and didn't reply, he said, " It's alright if you don't feel the same way." But he said those words with a little disappointment in his voice.
" No no! That's not true! Honestly, I love you but I'm gonna have to choose between 7 people and break 6 of their hearts. I don't know if I can do that." You expressed guiltily, which earned a silent sigh of relief from Hoseok. He smiled at you, and it still seemed somehow a bit pained, but a warm smile nonetheless.
" I think I need to go soon, but would you mind if I did something before I left?" He asked, and you nodded obliviously, not knowing what he was gonna do.
Suddenly, a pair of lips crashed onto yours, causing you to freeze for a second. No one will know about this, right?
Clearly you weren't yourself today, because you immediately gave in without hesitation. You could feel Hoseok's smirk on your lips before you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He was overjoyed that you were actually letting him kiss you, so he tightly wrapped his arms around your waist while you both sat on your bed. It lasted for a long time, longer than your kiss with Taehyung, but it was very enjoyable. You both would have continued but you heard footsteps coming up to your door. Gently pushing Hoseok away, you fixed your clothes and he did the same so nothing looked suspicious. The door opened and there stood your mum with a happy, excited smile.
" Guess what guys? You two and the other 6 will be going out for dinner together for some Japanese! ( sorry if you don't like the food of my choosing )" She exclaimed, clapping her hands like a little child. You rolled your eyes at your Mum's odd and childish behavior, but that's how she acted when you hung out with boys. Hoseok held your hand and you then remembered he was still there.
Wow y/n. Did you forget about the boy you just made out with?
Still thinking about that made your heart flutter in different types of ways. Your cold and intimidating appearance was now slowly disappearing, thanks to the boys who warmed up your heart.
" Thanks for letting me know mum." You said, and Hoseok nodded in agreement.
" I think I should get going now. I have to get ready for the dinner anyway." He reminded as he reluctantly let go of your hand. He lovingly winked at you, causing you to blush furiously, before turning around and thanking your mum for letting him come. She ruffled his hair and patted him on the back as he left.
" That's a charming young boy you got there." And you couldn't help but agree.

Ok... well this kiss scene was much better than the last one I think😅
I guarantee that there'll be more in the future~😏😏

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