Chapter 15

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Taehyung was gleaming with pride and happiness, although you on the other hand, was feeling as guilty as you could ever be. The other 6 barely looked at you, and they knew it wasn't yours or Taehyung's fault, so they couldn't blame anyone for it. So the rest of the game continued, with Jimin being partnered with Jungkook, Namjoon with Seokjin and Yoongi with Hoseok. This lightened up the mood a bit because it was funny to watch the boys whine and complain inside the closet. Jimin was getting really annoyed with Jungkook's groaning, so he suddenly grabbed his face and gave it a quick smooch. When they both got out, they were as red as fire engines. You couldn't help but giggle at their cuteness. (Yes, as you can obviously see, Jikook is my OTP)
Next, it was Namjoon and Seokjin. Much to your dissatisfaction, they cooperated nicely, and when they got out, not a single shade of red appeared on both of their faces. They must be really close to be that comfortable with each other, you thought, admiring their bromance. Finally, it was Hoseok's and Yoongi's turn, and you were really excited to see how this turned out. Hoseok, being the most oblivious person ever, didn't think it was a problem to kiss Yoongi, so he just pulled his face closer to his and gave him a nice, long kiss. When the time was up, Yoongi refused to come out of the closet, and he was trying to hide in the dark corner. Hoseok, however, came out with a large smile on his face. This boy is so innocent...
Everyone laughed it off and seemed to forget about the you and Taehyung incident, which you were grateful for. Eventually, somebody persuaded Yoongi to get out of the closet, or it was probably by force. Suddenly, Jungkook decided to speak up.
" I just remembered that we didn't have our horror movie marathon!" He exclaimed with a mock horrified expression on his face. Immediately, Hoseok and Seokjin were making dumb excuses to avoid them.
" We both are really tired. We'll go to sleep while you all watch the movies." Seokjin lied nervously, with Hoseok nodding along to what he said. You chuckled and Jungkook surprisingly let them do what they wanted. They sighed in relief and went to his room, where everyone was supposed to sleep, including you of course.

The boys fought to sit next to you on the couch, and the triumphant winners happened to be Namjoon and awkwardly, Taehyung. He wanted to wrap his arm around your shoulder, but he remembered the incident that occurred, so he reluctantly decided to not make any body contact with you. Namjoon, however, noticed this, and with a smug look on his face, wrapped his arm around your shoulder, which made you flinch, but you relaxed afterwards. In total, the amount of movies you guys watched was about 5, and thankfully, Namjoon and Taehyung weren't that scared so they weren't screaming in your face and ruining the experience. Although once in a while, Taehyung would suddenly grab your hand, which made both of you blush, then he would let go. Yoongi was getting bored so he fell asleep, and so did Jimin, who was resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook was the only one who was actually interested in the movies, including you, and he would laugh every time there was a jump scare. After it was all over, everyone was extremely tired because it was almost 1:00 am, and none of you had changed into your pajamas. The boys let you use the bathroom to change while they all changed in Jungkook's room together.

In the bathroom, you opened your backpack to look for your PJs, but you made a very big mistake. You accidentally packed a see through tank top and the shortest shorts you could ever find. Why am I so stupid? I need to pay more attention when I'm packing, you thought irritatedly. With your day clothes still on, you rushed out of the bathroom and knocked on Jungkook's bedroom door. It slightly opened so you could only see Yoongi, who opened the door.
" What do you want y/n?" He asked sleepily, and you took a deep breath before saying,
" Well, my pajamas are a bit... revealing. Do any of you have an extra T-shirt that I can wear?"

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