Chapter 26

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In class...

You were silent throughout the entire day, and thankfully no one bothered to question you about the rumors. Although it slightly hurt you inside that the boys were completely ignoring you too, because why would they believe a silly rumor like that? Unfortunately, you could feel Jessica's triumphant smirk behind you, and it took all of your energy to not pounce at her and wipe that stupid smirk off her face. As you focused on your work in tranquility, you didn't realize a close friend of yours was whining about you to Senethmi.

" Come on Lauaa, you don't actually think that rumor about her is true, do you?" She asked in exasperation, and Lauaa looked away.
" Well, you never know. Y/n is quite popular with the boys, which really annoys me sometimes." She replied, an angry pout plastered on her face. Senethmi sighed in irritation and patted her friend's back.
" Don't worry Lau, y/n would never go after Jungkook like that. She's a loyal friend, and you should always remember that. I know your little crush on him isn't that little, but y/n would never do that to someone, especially one of her best friends." Senethmi reassured her. Lauaa can get terribly possessive sometimes. Her jealous and anger seemed to fade away a little, but the possibility of y/n dating the boys is kinda likely. But that would make y/n a horrible friend, which she isn't, so Lauaa didn't really worry after that.

Class ends...

After the others left the class, you decided to stay back for a while, trying to get rid of your thoughts about the boys and the way they ignored you like you didn't even exist. They didn't really believe it, did they? But then you got a flashback of kissing 5/7 of the boys, and that was probably the first thing that came to they mind when they heard about it.
" Why does it have to be like this?!" You whispered shouted as you banged your fists on your desk. Sudden tears rolled down your cheeks, and you were confused. Why would you cry about some silly rumor that a dumb blonde idiot came up with? You knew that you could be pretty sensitive sometimes, but not because of a small problem like this. Maybe it's not because of Jessica, and it's because of someone else. Then you realized how much those boys made you feel. Being without them made you feel lonely, even if you were surrounded by all of your friends. You were happy around them, maybe a bit awkward at times, but you enjoyed their company nonetheless. After you dried your tears with your shirt sleeve, you packed your bag and decided to leave the classroom. What you weren't aware of was a certain person listening to you rant and cry over them.

As you stepped out of the class, you suddenly felt someone grab your arm and pull you towards a dark corner. You couldn't recognize the strange person at first, but a hand reached out to touch your cheek gently and you noticed the person had extremely wide shoulders, and immediately you realized who it was.
" Seokjin?"

He stared at you with a miserable look in his eyes, also a glint of disbelief.
" What is this y/n? What are the rumors about? Is it true?" He asked you all at once, and you looked down guiltily, not knowing if it was true or not yourself.
" Honestly, deep inside, I don't even know myself. Sure, it's true that I love you all equally, but I know for a fact that I'm not dating any of you yet. But you don't have to tell me that you and the others like me, because I know. And it's killing me ( sorry I was listening to iKon so I had to ) to choose between the 7 of you because you're all so sweet, kind, caring and passionate. It hurts me to break 6 hearts if I had to choose." You explained in detail, tears threatening to spill because of all the pain you were feeling; for the boys, yourself, also for your friends and especially for Lauaa, who truly loves Jungkook but probably won't have a chance with him because of you. Seokjin, being the generous person he was, wiped the single tear off your left cheek and gave you a heartwarming hug.
" We all understand what you're going through, well mostly, but we get what you're trying to say, and it's alright. Take your time. And if any of the boys keep pushing you for an answer, tell me immediately, I'll give them a nice, long lecture." He reassured you with a grin, putting a smile on your face.
" Thank you Seokjin, you're so sweet. You all are. If I could date all of you at once, I would, but I can't, so I'll need time to choose, no matter how much it hurts." You replied, and all of a sudden, he laughed.
" You don't have to push yourself to choose. You can just stay single you know? Of course we'd all be a little bit jealous if you find someone else, but none of the boys would hold a grudge against you. We love you too much." He giggled, his eyes practically forming into hearts. You chuckled at his sweetness, and as a gift of gratefulness, you slyly tried to give him a quick peck on the cheek. But you were too slow. He saw it coming, and like the smooth boy he is, he quickly moved his head to the side so your lips would meet. Of course you weren't expecting this, and it caused your cheeks to turn a bright tone of red as he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer. Slowly wrapping your hands around his neck, you both lovingly stayed in that position for what felt like an eternity, although it was only a few minutes.

What you both didn't notice was an unknown figure once again staring at you having a romantic moment with one of the boys in pure jealousy.

I'm sorry about that but I've been stanning NCT a lot these days, along with Stray Kids, GOT7, Day6 and EXO.

You must be either very happy to see me or extremely pissed that I've been gone for a really long time. AND I FORGOT TO WISH NAMJOON HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON WATTPAD!
Well, I didn't forget his birthday, I just forgot to mention it on wattpad so don't kill me in the comments ( I'm talking to you kailahassan )
So anyways, I'm really sorry about how this chapter turned out because it's horribly written and I'm too lazy to edit it so everyone's just gonna have to ignore the spelling and grammar errors. It's cause I was listening to Kpop music and it's like the middle of the night where I live so my brain is kinda malfunctioning.
Btw, comment who your bias is from any of the groups that I mentioned before. These are mine:
BTS: Jimin
NCT: Lucas
Stray Kids: Felix
GOT7: Jackson
EXO: Baekhyun
Day6: Jae

Thank you for wasting your time reading my terribly wonderful story and I'll probably update tomorrow, the day after or next week, or the week after that. Damn school is always in the way. K bye I ❤️ all my readers and pls try and help me get 1k reads, I would be so grateful. Wow I've never written this much before, k I love y'all!

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