Chapter 29

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" He confessed to me!!!"

The looks of shock on all of your faces were priceless. Lauaa looked as if she was slapped in the face, Kaila was happy and shocked at the same time, and you were more shocked about Jimin because he immediately got over his crush on you. You felt a little sad that he didn't have feelings for you anymore, but then you were also glad that he wouldn't have to deal with heartbreak if you didn't choose him.
" Senethmi that's amazing! What did you say??" Kaila asked brightly, and Senethmi grinned back at her.
" I said yes of course!" She replied with enthusiasm. You ran to give her a hug, and you patted her head.
" Awww I ship it, you guys would be so cute together!! What would the name be? Senim? Oh no. How about... Jimethmi? Kaila help, I can't think of a good ship name!" You whined, and she shook her head in exasperation, while Senethmi laughed ( srsly guys, give me a good ship name for them in the comments cause I can't think lol ). Lauaa was silent the entire time, her thoughts unknown to the rest of you.
" What are you thinking about, Lauaa? Is it... Jungkook?" Senethmi asked her kindly, and she looked away in sadness.
" Maybe he does like you. Sometimes, I've noticed that he stares at you." Kaila stated, but she herself didn't know if it was true.
" It's probably not, you're just saying that. He probably likes y/n, like the how the other 5 do." She deadpanned before glaring at you and then leaving.
" Lauaa, where're you going?? Hey!!" You called out to her, but she ignored your shouts.
" Ugh why is she like this?" Kaila inquired irritatedly, and Senethmi shrugged.
" I'm gonna go and find her. She can't behave like this just because of a crush. I probably sound like a mum right now, but I'm gonna reason with her and find out why she's getting so angry over things like this. See you guys later." You explained before quickly chasing after your friend, not paying attention to the protests from Senethmi and Kaila.

You ran as fast as you could, although the crowd of people eagerly waiting to leave school were all blocking your way, much to your displeasure. Since Lauaa was stealthy and sneaky, that made things worse for you. Pushing through the other students, you felt as if she had left school already.

" Why the hell does she have to be like this?? It makes everything hard for us!" You said out loud, causing others to stare oddly. Too distracted by your determination to find her, you didn't notice that someone was in your way. Without looking forward, you crashed into each other.

" Excuse me, I'm in a hurry, please move." You impatiently said without even looking at the person, but they stopped you before you could run off again.

" Hey y/n, were are you off to in such a hurry?" The voice of the person asked curiously. You immediately recognized the voice, and you felt guilty for carelessly knocking into them.

" I'm so sorry Namjoon. I'm just looking for Lauaa; you didn't happen to have seen her, have you?" You questioned, but he sadly shook his head.

" Would it be alright if I asked why you're chasing her?"

" Um... I think I'll tell you another time, now it's not really necessary for you to know."

" Do you mind if I helped you find her?"

" That would be very sweet of you if you did, but it's your choice; you don't have to."

" Then I'll definitely help you. Come on, lets go!"

The first place you both went to check was Lauaa's secret hangout. Ok, it was not really secret since it was the school's property, but not a lot of students went there since it was very well hidden by trees and bushes. It was just a secluded area with a wooden bench and some old trees; nothing special really. But the amazing thing was that you couldn't hear anything, which meant all the students outside were silenced as you entered this soundproof dreamland. That's why Lauaa liked spending time there; because it was quiet.

" Woah, how come I've never seen this place before?" Namjoon gasped in awe, admiring the peaceful atmosphere this place held.

" That's because nobody really comes here, so Lauaa loves it here. She's very introverted, so a place without any people would be her ideal location." You explained to him, and he nodded in understanding. " Lauaa, are you here? Please come out, I need to talk to you." But there was nothing but silence. Namjoon, however, wasn't actually helping; he was just helplessly floating around the hideout.

" This place is beautiful, like you y/n." He muttered to himself, but he covered his mouth, hoping you hadn't heard him. Unfortunately, you did hear, and you literally choked.

" Uh Namjoon, w-what did y-you say?' You stuttered, hoping you had heard wrong. Your face was tinted with pink, but as you turned to face him, you noticed that his face was flaming red.

" I-I didn't s-say a-anything!" He shouted, causing you to wince at his loud voice, but he immediately realized his actions and apologized. You placed a hand on his shoulder, which made him back away a little at the physical contact, but after a while he moved closer.

" It's ok Namjoon. There's no need to be embarassed. You're not the first one you know? Oh wait that sounded wrong, I'm sorry." You tried to reassure him, but you ended up failing; as usual.

" Well, I know you already know this but; I have a crush on you." He stated nervously, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment ( flustered Namjoon is so cute uwu~). You couldn't deny the fact that you were glad he confessed, and it was really cute and kinda cliche too.

" I can't say I like you too just yet, since I hate breaking hearts, so give me some time to decide, alright?" You explained with a smile on your face, and he smiled back.

" Then... can I do something really quickly?" He asked with a sort of mischievous tone (oh you know what's about to go down hehe *wink wink*).

" Sure, what is i-" But you were interrupted by a pair of lips on yours. Of course you were not surprised, given the fact that you now have experience in this kind of thing, so you gave into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. Butterflies fluttered and fireworks burst in your stomach. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you could feel him smile through the kiss. After what seemed like an eternity, you both ran out of breath and let go of each other, faces bright red. Grinning widely at each other, you tightly hugged him. You wished you could stay in that moment forever, but then you suddenly remembered; Lauaa.

" OMG LAUAA!" You yelled out of nowhere, and Namjoon also started panicking with you. Both of you had gotten so distracted by each other that you totally forgot about your best friend. Together you left the secret hideout, and were once again in search of the missing friend of yours. After calling her name multiple times, you heard a low groan behind some bushes. You both looked at each other in confusion, fully aware that the noise came from a person. As you went to check what it was, you looked behind the bush, and you almost cried from horror when you saw who was there.
" LAUAA?!?!"
She was bleeding. Her body was covered in red cuts and she was bruised, as if someone had used a knife on her skin. Namjoon also came to see the commotion, and gasped in terror when he saw her form. She was crying, something she rarely did unless she was in tremendous pain. You were also on the verge of tearing up at the sight of your best friend who's been severely tortured by who knows.
" Lauaa what happened!!" You cried in sadness, and she moved her hand to show you a piece of paper.
" M-my attacker g-gave me t-this." She stuttered, and you and Namjoon read it aloud;

" Don't you ever think that any of the boys would love you. They'll all be mine, and you can't do anything about it. If you try anything funny or risky, it'll either be Jungkook or your best friends in pain. What I did to you was just a warning..."

Holy crap what have I just started.
And this was really long too, so I might not write for a really long time cause I won't have inspiration lol. And what else is there to say?
Ok I'm done lololol k bye love you all💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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