Chapter 12

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After school is over...

You're waiting for your mum to pick you up from school, while Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok stand beside you, waiting for the school bus. Yoongi's dad had already picked him up, and Namjoon, Seokjin and Taehyung walked home. Trying to decrease the awkward tension, you decided to start a conversation.
" So... it's a coincidence that we all live in the same condominium, right?" You pointed out, and they all turned to look at you. Jimin and Jungkook nodded in agreement, but randomly, Hoseok laughed.
" Are you trying to talk to us just because you want to avoid the awkward silence?" He laughed, and your face turned a bright shade of pink. You looked away and replied,
" Maybe."
Hoseok chuckled at your desperate attempt and gave you a large bear hug, which surprised you and the maknaes, but you returned the hug. You could feel Hoseok smirk in victory at his friends, but you didn't get to see their reactions. He let go of you when he noticed a car coming your way.
" That'll be my mum. See you later guys!" He exclaimed, waving to the three of you before getting into the car.

After some small talk between you and the maknaes, your mums car finally showed up. She rolled down the window to call you into the car, but then she noticed the other two and gave them a wide, almost mischievous, smile before saying,
" I'm assuming you two are Jimin and Jungkook right? Your parents asked me to pick both of you up because they were busy." And she gave a sideways glance at you, which made you roll your eyes playfully.
" R-really?" Jungkook stammered excitedly, and your mum giggled.
" Of course! Now get in the car, all of you!" She demanded mockingly. Jimin and Jungkook shared a overjoyed look with each other before getting into the car with you.

You all sat at the back, with you in the middle. You and Jungkook were having a nice chat until you noticed something warm was covering your hand. You looked down at it and almost gasped when you found out it was Jimin's hand that was holding yours. He looked at you, not knowing what the problem was until he realized what he was doing. He blushed a dark shade of red and quickly moved his hand away to place it on his stomach.
" Jimin, what's wrong? Are you feeling alright?" You asked, concerned. He looked into your eyes with shame.
" I get carsick easily, and my mum or dad usually holds my hand to make me feel better." He murmured quietly, but it was loud enough for you to hear. You looked at him with soft, caring eyes.
" That's nothing to be ashamed of. If it makes you feel better, you can hold my hand if you want." You suggested kindly, which caused him to give you a weak smile.
" Thank you, y/n. Taehyung was right when he said you were a very sweet person." He complimented, and you couldn't help but grin widely. Suddenly feeling brave, you intertwined your fingers with his, and he looked at you with a surprised look, shocked that you made the first move, but he smiled brightly, happiness radiating from his aura. You just remembered Jungkook was also beside you, being the third wheel with a sad, distant look on his face. Feeling guilty, you placed your hand on top of his, making him blush a fire engine red, but he then regained self control. You held hands with the both of them until you all arrived home.

( time skip )

" Thank you for the ride Mrs l/n!" The boys exclaimed gratefully, and your mum chuckled.
" Just call me ( mums name ), it's fine." She said with a smile, and they both bowed before they waved goodbye to her and you. As you entered your apartment, you plopped yourself onto the couch and covered your eyes with one hand. Today was hectic, you thought.
" Tiring day today?" You heard your mum ask from the kitchen.
" Yep. My best friends weren't in school today because of the flu." You shouted back, and you heard her open the refrigerator.
" Well that's too bad, but at least you had those boys with you." She said while she ate something. You blushed at the thought, but then rapidly shook your head. When your mum came out of the kitchen, she had something else to say.
" By the way, I won't be home tonight and neither will your father because of some business. Your sister is going to a friend's house, and Mr. Jeon was kind enough to let you come over to his apartment for a sleepover with Jungkook, and the rest of the boys will come over too."
You nearly choked on your saliva. Have a sleepover? With 7 boys?!
" Mum! What were you thinking?? They're all boys!! Why didn't you choose someone like Kaila or Talisa?" You panicked, but she calmly replied,
" Aren't they all down with some illness? I don't want you to catch their sickness, and Jungkook's father was the one who suggested it. I just agreed."
You huffed in defeat. I wonder how this sleepover will turn out.

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