Chapter 24

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Oh dear, it's another confession, you thought nervously as you averted your eyes from his gaze. He noticed your actions and placed a hand on your back.
" Are you ok y/n? What's wrong?" He asked kindly, and you gave him a small smile.
" I'm fine, you can continue what you were going to say." You replied quietly, and he nodded.
" Well, I think you already know that Emma has a crush on me," He stated irritatedly, and you giggled, " But I have feelings for someone else."
Pretending to be oblivious, you asked him,
" Who do you like?"
Your question caused him to move closer to you, kind of popping your personal space bubble. His response actually surprised you.
" Why are you acting like you don't know? I think I've made it pretty obvious, and so have the others."
You widened your eyes and blushed a barely noticeable red, but his face was close enough to see it.
" Well, this actually isn't the first time someone's told me that." You confessed, but then you covered your mouth after you realized what you said.
" I know that." Yoongi said with a blank expression, and you stood there in shock. Since when did he know about the others confessing?!?
" I saw Jimin kissing you at the restaurant. You should have checked your surroundings before doing that." He joked, but you could hear the jealousy and hurt in his voice. You were completely frozen, and you felt extremely guilty to know that he had to witness that kiss.
" I'm really sorry you had to see that, but it's not what you think it is." You explained shamefully, and he shook his head.
" I don't blame you. It was probably Jimin who kissed you first, right?" He asked, and you nodded immediately. But you felt really horrible, because 1) Yoongi has a crush on you and he saw you kissing one of his best friends, and 2) You've already kissed four boys. This isn't good at all.
Before you went into further explanation about the kiss just being a misunderstanding, Yoongi did something unexpected. You were lying on your bed, so he suddenly decided to get on top of you, his arms and legs trapping you from moving. A devilish smirk was plastered on his face.
" W-what are y-you doing?" You stammered, and he chuckled.
" Something I wanted to do for a long time."
Suddenly, he bent down and his lips gently met yours. I've kissed five boys now, that should be a record, you thought bitterly, but you gave in to his sweet touch. Slowly wrapping your arms around his neck, he deepened the kiss, feeling satisfied that you were cooperating. He wrapped his arms around your waist, which caused the both of you to roll over on the bed so you'd be on top of him this time. Hugging you tightly, Yoongi finally pulled away because you both needed to breathe. He was still holding you and he refused to let go, so you both just stayed on the bed, under the covers, cuddling. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, and he rested his chin on yours. It was a pretty cold day today, so you both hugged each other tightly, neither of you wanting to let go. You totally forgot about everything and just decided to stay like that until you heard the apartment door opening. Your mum was back home. Yoongi seemed to have heard it too, so he allowed you to move away from his arms, although a bit reluctantly. Both of you sat by the edges of your bed so nothing looked suspicious, and as you predicted, your mum immediately entered your room first.
" Hi kids, what were you both up to while I was gone?" She asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
" We didn't really do much except for talking and just hanging out." Yoongi lied, and you were thankful he sounded believable. Your mum smiled in understanding, and she told him,
" Your dad wanted me to tell you that you had to go home now."
He nodded, and surprisingly, he gave you a quick peck on the cheek before getting up and leaving. You sat there in confusion, and your mum had the same expression on her face. What you didn't know was that Yoongi purposely did that to make your mum think that both of you were dating.
" So are you two a couple now?!" She exclaimed excitedly, and you rolled your eyes.
" No we're not, so don't get your hopes up. I'm not gonna date anybody anytime soon." You replied exasperatedly, and she looked down in mock sadness.
" One day, I know you'll find a boyfriend, and maybe the time will be near; you never know."

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