Chapter 27

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Now you and the others were on good terms, thanks to Seokjin and his explanation. To your relief, there wasn't any awkward tension when you had a conversation with them. And what made you feel even better was that Jessica was extremely pissed that you were still getting along with the boys, and you'd literally laugh in her face every time you passed her in the hallway and she made a face at you.

Lauaa didn't hold a grudge against you anymore, and that was thanks to Senethmi for putting some sense into her brain. Even though a lot of other students still believed the rumors and made fun of you, you would just flip your hair and turn the other way, showing them that you didn't care about what anyone said about you.
When Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi or Hoseok went home with you and someone like Emma ( girl who has a crush on Yoongi in case you forgot ) saw you, Yoongi would wrap an arm around your waist and then glare at her, causing her to jealously marrow her eyes at you and then storm off.
Life was alright, everything seemed to be back to normal, but a certain someone who you were very close with was planning something against you.

" Well, now that Jessica has been put in her place, we need to focus on something very important that's coming up." Kaila stated with excitement in her voice. 
" What's going on? Is it someone's birthday? You know I love birthdays!" You exclaimed cheerfully, and she giggled.
" As a matter of fact, it's Senethmi's birthday next week on October 2nd." She grinned. You clapped your hands happily and smiled, but it faded away when a thought came to your head.
" Wait, that means Senethmi's growing up! Noooooooooooooo!!!! I want her to stay small and innocent forever! She can't grow up!!" You whined while grabbing Kaila's shoulders and shaking her. She just rolled her eyes at you playfully, and stopped you from jumping up and down and fake crying.
" Geez y/n, calm down. You know Senethmi's older than you."
" Yeah of course I know that, and she's only older than me by a month, which isn't such a big deal, but she's much more innocent than any of us and her innocence shouldn't be tainted as she gets older!" You groaned, and Kaila face palmed.
" Ok geez, you can complain when she finally understands a dirty joke, but for now just shut up." She snapped and you pouted.
" What the hell was that? Did you two switch bodies or something?" Someone from behind you asked. You both turned around to see Lauaa smirking at you.
" Hey Lau, do you know what we can do for Sene's birthday?" You questioned, and she shrugged.
" I don't know, I guess I'll just make her a card or draw her favorite anime character." She replied without any enthusiasm.
You and Kaila both dramatically gasped.
" Lauaa Jinah! Senethmi is your closest friend! How could you just aimlessly make a card for her without even caring?! I feel disappointed." Kaila scolded her like the angry lil midget she can be ( Kaila, pls don't kill me it was just a joke ).
" What are you gonna even write in that card when you're so horrible at expressing your feelings? Are you just gonna say something like, Senethmi, saranghaeyo?" You teased, and she smacked your arm while her face was flaming red. You and Kaila figured out that Lauaa was bisexual and had a crush on Jungkook and maybe Senethmi ( Senebaba pls don't kill me too ). After her face had gone back to its original color, she took a deep breath.
" I wasn't actually planning to just make her a normal, boring card. I was thinking of doing something special like asking her crush to write it..." Lauaa explained mischievously. As you both looked at each other with a satisfied glint in both of your eyes, you and Kaila decided that would be a very good idea. Senethmi gets easily flustered by anything, especially when it has something to do with her crush.
" That's a good idea." You and Kaila said in unison, and Lauaa grinned her trademark grin.
" I guess it's settled as her surprise birthday gift. Why don't we go ask Jimin for a little favor then, shall we?"

Where my exo-ls at!!!!!
Ok I'm srsly obsessed with that song rn, like it's so damn perfect
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though none of the bts members were really in it hehe
Pls keep reading and pls be patient because I always update at weird times, cause one day I'll update in 3 months, another time I'll update every hour; so what I'm trying to say is just expect me to update at random times:)))
Byeee, love all of my amazing readers and pls follow me cause I need more followers like srsly unicorngunsroses, a close friend of mine, has 20 followers and she joined recently while I joined 9 months ago! It's not fair man!!!
Ok I'm done ranting bye 👋

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