Chapter 25

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The next morning...

You woke up sweating and panting, suffering from a nightmare. You couldn't remember much of it, but  flashes of hideous and deformed faces  would come to your mind. It was pretty early, like 5 in the morning, and school usually started at 8:00, so you lazily got out of bed to take a warm shower, unable to go back to sleep.

After you were done, you dried your hair and found something comfortable to wear; a black hoodie,dark blue jeans and a pair of white sneakers. You grabbed your backpack and headed towards the kitchen for some breakfast. Fortunately, no one was awake yet, so could eat your cereal in peace. You checked the watch on your wrist, which displayed the time, 7:00. You had an hour left, so after finishing up your breakfast and washing the dishes, you decided to text someone.
When you went back to your room to grab your phone, it turned out that you got some notifications from an unknown number.

Anonymous: Hey y/n, r u up yet?
Anonymous: if you're wondering who I am, then just ask your mum
Anonymous: she gave me your number😉

You rolled your eyes at this, obviously expecting your mum to do such a thing. She was eternally trying to set you up with someone, claiming that you couldn't be alone forever. Well, dammit mum, I'm single and not ready to mingle!
But then the thoughts of you and Yoongi the other day came to your mind, and you blushed at the thought. Then you remembered the other four, and you covered your face in embarrassment. How could you let them do this to you?? It's like they've taken control of you with their Kpop idol faces and lovable personalities.
You then reminded yourself to text the unknown person, who was most probably one of the boys.

You: Hey 👋

Anonymous: Y/n! I thought you'd never text back!

You: well here I am lol

Anonymous: did your mum tell you who I was?

You: I couldn't ask her cause she was sleeping

Anonymous: that's too bad. I guess you'll never know my identity 😏

You: Hey that's not fair!

Anonymous: then should I give you a hint?

You: yes pls

Anonymous: well, I love food

You: Seokjin?

Anonymous: how'd you guess so easily? It was too obvious wasn't it?

You: yep

Seokjin: well now you know!

You: yeah lol

Seokjin: it's almost time for school. Ttyl then

You: k ttyl

As you both left the chat, you realized it was almost 7:30, and the bus was probably waiting for you outside your condominium. Quickly spraying on some perfume and tying your hair into a cute but messy bun, you went out and got onto the bus.

You spotted an empty seat at the back of the bus and decided that you'd be alone for the day. You plugged your earphones into your phone and decided to listen to some music so no one would disturb you. Jungkook entered the bus as well, giving you a small wave before he sat somewhere else. He probably felt awkward after what happened at his apartment, and you were kind of thankful that he'd keep his distance. The bus finally took off, and you faded into your imagination as the calming music played in your ears.

( time skip )

After arriving at school, you spotted your friends waiting for you as usual, and they greeted you normally. But something seemed to be a bit off. They didn't seem like their bright selves today. Because you were very observant, you decided to ask,
" Are you guys alright? Did something happen?"
You looked at all of them, and you sweared that you could've seen Lauaa roll her eyes at you.
" No, nothing's wrong at all." She said with a slightly sarcastic tone. Kaila and Senethmi glared at her before answering your unspoken question.
" Well, a lot of stuff happened when you didn't come to school yesterday." Kaila explained, and you gestured for her to go on.
" So... what happened?" You asked , and they all looked at you guiltily, except for Lauaa.
" Well, there were some rumors started about... certain things." Senethmi explained nervously, which made you the definition of irritated and confused.
" Just tell me already! Why're you being so mysterious?" You spat, which suddenly caused Lauaa to straightforwardly say,
" The thing is that there have been rumors about you saying you're hooking up with the seven new boys."

" Wait... WHAT?!?!" You yelled, grabbing the attention of the people around you, before Kaila placed a hand on your mouth to shut you up. Senethmi looked at you sadly and sighed, while Lauaa just looked away stoically. What's her problem anyways?
" When did this happen?!" You whispered shouted, so no one could eavesdrop into your conversation.
" I'm not really sure how or when it started, but everyone's talking about it." Senethmi said with a genuinely unsure facial expression. You felt extremely embarrassed, because maybe... it was half true ( but not really! ), and what if the boys already knew? How would they feel?
" Well, who did you hear the news from?" You asked curiously, hoping to get some solid answers.
" Actually, we overheard it from one of Jessica's minions, Aliza. She was gossiping about it to another girl group of snakes." Kaila said with an exasperated face, and you frowned. It was obviously Jessica who was spreading these lies, cause she was probably just butt hurt by how the maknae line threatened her. Unconsciously looking around the area, you were hoping not to meet the new kids. But as if it was fate, you spotted the infamous seven boys, and you were so happy to see them ( pls note the sarcasm ). Before you could look away, you made eye contact with Seokjin, but it didn't last very long because he turned away, as if he didn't see you, a slight blush on his cheeks.
He probably heard about the rumor, the others probably did too. Maybe the entire school knows, but I can't do anything about it.

I haven't updated in like a million years, at least that's what it feels like. I hadn't really had much inspiration to write, but now I've got so many ideas; so maybe a lot of drama might start😏
I cried actual tears while watching the video and finding out the theory and meaning behind it😭😭😭😭😭
Ok I'm done fangirling lol
Also I'll be going to KCON in LA on August 12th and I'm super excited 😆
You probably won't know what I look like or my age and size, because I'm kinda too young to be writing fanfics 😜
Anyways bye bye I PURPLE all of you💜💜💜

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