Chapter 17

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Home after the sleepover...

" So honey, how was the sleepover?" Your mum asked innocently, clearly she was very interested in what you did with the boys.
" We didn't do much. We just played some games and watched a lot of movies." You replied ignorantly, excluding the 7 minutes in heaven part. That incident still makes you extremely flustered. Your mum had an odd smile on her face as she questioned again,
" Is it true that you wore one of Jungkook's t-shirts because your pajamas were too... revealing, I presume?" Your face was probably the color of a tomato, and you sheepishly nodded at her question.
" How did you find out?" You shyly asked, and she chuckled at the thought.
" Well, one of your friends, I think it was Taehyung, knocked on my door and told me about it." She explained, clearly amused. You panicked at her response.
What if he told her about the kiss?
" Um... w-what else d-did he tell y-you?" You stammered nervously, and she thought for a while.
" Nothing that interesting really. Seems like you had a fun time with them. Taehyung's such an angel to let me know about such things. And he's very adorable! Perfect boyfriend material." She smirked, causing you to roll your eyes at her desperate attempts for you to get a boyfriend.
" I'm going to my room now." You informed her, slightly annoyed and without even looking back at her. Your mum just laughed silently and muttered,
" She'll thank me one day."

As you entered your room, after slamming the door in exasperation, you decided to text Kaila.

You: hey bro
You: sup

Kaila: it's kind of odd for you to text first 😝

You: yeah whatever 🙄😏

Kaila: so... what do you wanna talk about?

You: dude I had a sleepover with all 7 of the new boys 😶

Kaila:😱😱😱😱 WHAT

You: yep

Kaila: does that involve Taehyung too?☹️

You: um... about that...

Kaila: what?🤔

You: never mind it's not important

Kaila: if it's about Taehyung then it's VERY important 😠😡

You: are you sure you want to know??😬😓

Kaila: tell me before I come to your apartment and force it out of you!!!

You: ok lol 😛
You: well, coming back to all seriousness...

Kaila: dude I'm getting impatient 😡😡

You: well, at Jungkook's house... we played 7 minutes in heaven...

Kaila:😱😱😱😱😱 who did you get partnered with?????

You: Taehyung🙁😓

Kaila: ... really?

You: I'm really sorry!! I didn't know it would be him!!!! 😭😭😭

Kaila: dude I'm not mad at you😂

You: what 😑

Kaila: chill bro I'm not😛

You: I just kissed your crush!!! You're probably dying inside!!!!!!!!!😫😫

Kaila: k fine maybe a little😕
Kaila: but I'm just picturing how awkward it must've been and that makes me feel better😂😂

You: 😶... DUDE!!!😡😡

Kaila: 😂😂😂😂 I'm sorry but it's funny!!
Kaila: dude I gtg mums calling byee~

You: ugh fine bye😒

" Aaaaahhhhh!! I'm gonna kill her one day!" You shouted into your pillow, but all you could hear was muffled screaming. She made me feel so guilty and then laughed it off in the end, you thought angrily. You reminded yourself not to tell Lauaa about what happened with Jungkook, because that could end your friendship tragically. Lauaa wasn't a kind of person to like someone easily, and when she did, she'd get very sensitive when someone else liked her crush. I'd better avoid that then.
Senethmi would jokingly threaten to kill you and go all yandere on whoever touches her crush, but she'd just laugh it off in the end. Thank god she's extremely tiny so it'll be easy to defend myself if she gets really mad, you chuckled and thought to yourself.

Suddenly, you heard a knock at your door and then it opened to reveal your mum, and oddly; Hoseok was there too.
" Hey y/n!" He waved at you, and you shyly waved back, kind of confused why he was here.
" Hoseok here decided he would come over to spend some time with you because he's such a lovely boy." Your mum exclaimed as she squished his cheeks, and he seemed to be enjoying it. Sneakily leaving your room, your mum left the both of you alone with nothing to do. Awkwardly, you patted the bed so he could come and sit next to you. With a bright smile, Hoseok gladly sat with you and you both conversed a bit.
" Did my mum force you to come visit me?" You asked curiously, expecting a yes as an answer. Surprisingly, he shook his head.
" Actually, I came here on my own accord. I just wanted to spend some time with you." He replied honestly, which made you widen your eyes.
" Did you miss me that much?" You teased, and he laughed, reminding you of the sunshine. How is he such an attractive and bright person??
" Maybe. It's because I didn't talk to you that much at the sleepover." He responded, and you nodded your head in agreement. Before you could talk a bit more, Hoseok suddenly grabbed both of your hands and placed them on his lap, his expression extremely serious. You blushed at his actions, completely confused at his intentions.
" Um... Hoseok? W-what are y-you doing?" You stuttered, and he stared at you deeply with an almost seductive gaze.
" I know this is really sudden and all but, y/n, I like you a lot."

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