Chapter 31

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" I finally asked her out!!" Jimin exclaimed to his friends, and they all congratulated him.
" Does Senethmi like you back?" Taehyung asked, and he happily nodded.
" So I guess you guys are a thing now right?" Jungkook inquired, but Jimin blushed a little.
" I don't really know yet." He replied shyly, and Yoongi patted his back.
" You two would make a cute couple." He stated with a small smile, and Jimin giggled.

" Hey guys, I know this is random, but do you think Kaila likes me?" Taehyung asked out of the blue, and all the attention turned to him.
" Well, you can't really assume things now can you Tae?" Seokjin replied, and he slowly nodded.
" Well, the thing is, I always see her looking at me, and every time I look her way, she blushes. What do you think now?" He explained, and everyone looked at him with interest, except for someone.
" Hey Yoongi, stop spacing out bro." Hoseok exclaimed, and Yoongi came back to his senses.
" Oh sorry, just thinking about stuff." He said blankly. To be honest, he had a really small crush on Kaila after finding out what she really was like, from y/n's description. Anyways, how could he not like someone with so much charisma and enthusiasm right? She was perfect for him. Personality wise, they were polar opposites, but he knew she was the one. He thought that y/n probably wouldn't choose him out of all the others, so he gave up his feelings on her and moved on to someone new ( I'm really sorry to all the Yoongi stans out there hoping that Yoongi and y/n would be together hehe).

" Wait a second, where's Namjoon?" Jimin inquired, and everyone else agreed.
" He was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago." Seokjin stated angrily (angry bf mode oh no).
" Don't worry eomma, he'll be here soon." Jungkook said reassuringly, but he got a small slap on the arm from Seokjin.
" How many times have I told you not to call me eomma?!?!" He yelled, and Jungkook fake cried while everyone laughed at the golden maknae and the fake maknae.

But their laughing stopped as they heard heavy panting coming from behind them. As they turned around to see who it was, it just happened to be a very exhausted Namjoon.
" Where on earth have you been??" Jimin scolded, and he apologized many times.
" I'm so sorry. There was just a bit of a problem as I was about to come." He stated tiredly, and Hoseok patted his back.
" Tell us everything." He said in a slightly demanding tone, which caused Namjoon to look away.
" I don't think y/n would like-" but before he could finish his sentence, Hoseok clamped his shoulders and looked straight at him with all seriousness.
" Spill it."

Time skip (I'm too lazy)

" Man I'm still feeling emotional after your little statement." Kaila whined as she lazily fell onto your bed, and you laughed. After the 'incident', Senethmi decided that she'd take Lauaa back to her place since her parents weren't home and Lauaa's parents would be suspicious if their child came back with cuts and bruises. Since you had nothing to do as well, Kaila came over to your place.
" I was just being the kind and considerate friend I am." You exclaimed with a wink, and she rolled her eyes at you playfully.
" Yeah right, you just love emotional and deep shit don't you??" She snapped, but it was obvious that she was trying not to smile.
" But honestly, I love you guys SO much." You replied and walked up to her and gave her a big hug, which she returned with a grin.
" You're weird, have I told you that before?"
" Yes you have. Many times. So are you by the way."
" I know. That's why we're friends."
You both laughed at each other before falling back onto your bed and staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, you heard a ding from your phone. It was a text message. You looked at each other with curiosity, and you grabbed your phone to see who it was.

Jeon Jungkook
Hey, is Lauaa alright???
Namjoon told us everything, and I hope you don't mind that.

" Oh god, Namjoon told the others about Lauaa, I hope it doesn't spread and become a big deal." Kaila stated anxiously as she read the text over your shoulder.
" I know." You replied with a grave expression, and continued to reply to him.

Jeon Jungkook                                                           
Hey, is Lauaa alright???
Namjoon told us everything, and I hope you don't mind that

Yeah she's alright now
She's just with sene:)

Jeon Jungkook is typing...

Jeon Jungkook
Oh thank god, I was really worried hehe..

" Wait, Lauaa still has a mega crush on him right?" You asked Kaila, and she nodded with a sly smile, knowing exactly what you meant.

It's nice of you to be concerned for her ☺️
I'm very sure she'll really appreciate it;)

Jeon Jungkook
That's nice..☺️☺️

" By the way he's responding, do you think he likes her?" You inquired thoughtfully, and Kaila looked at you with wide eyes.
" Well isn't this a fairy tale? Senethmi's crush likes her and Lauaa's crush might like her too. I wonder what's gonna happen to me though..." She quietly muttered the last part, and you put an arm around her reassuringly.
" Don't worry. If it works out for them, it'll work out for you. What's not to love about my best friend anyways? I just wonder what's gonna happen to me."

Not because of Kpop ( for once lol ), but because I'm dying of a ridiculous dry cough and sore throat, and I have a goddamn swimming meet tomorrow.
Can my life get any worse than it is rn
Lol ok I'm don't ranting byeee ❤️❤️

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