Chapter 13

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The next day in class...

You barely made eye contact with the boys surrounding you, which made them all concerned. Having a sleepover with only you and all 7 of them scared you, not in a bad way but it was just really embarrassing to think about.
" What's wrong y/n? You haven't talked to us today." Jimin said, trying to hide the obvious disappointment in his voice. You reluctantly looked at him and replied with,
" You about that sleepover you're all having at Jungkook's apartment? Well, his dad said I should come along to because my parents won't be at home." You murmured softly, but unfortunately, the new kids heard you.
" You're coming for the sleepover at my house??" Jungkook shouted, causing the whole class to turn around and look at him. Ms Sara flashed him an angry look before turning back to the whiteboard. Suddenly, you heard your name being whispered a few times, coming from the people who were talking about you.
" Have fun y/n~" You heard someone say, and then the class snickered. Although, the boys' fangirls weren't very happy.
" Why does y/n have to go to Kookie's apartment? It's so not fair!" One of them whined, which slightly angered Yoongi.
" It's not like we're ever gonna invite you for anything, so stop getting your hopes up." He spat rudely, causing most of the girls to almost cry at his actions. You were shocked by his cruel tone, but you were kinda glad they shut up. Their fangirls are SO annoying. You turned to him and gave him a grateful smile, which he returned kindly.

(time skip)

I guess I should pack for the sleepover, you thought as you lay lazily on your bed. You just arrived from school, and you were slightly nervous to be with 7 boys for one night. Your mum was enjoying your panicking state, and she laughed when you were trying to find clothes that weren't too revealing. 3:30pm was the time you had to leave, and when you finished getting ready, the time was 3:00pm. You quick put on a pair of white sneakers, a long light grey T-shirt and black ripped jeans. Before you left your apartment, your mum kissed you on the forehead and said,
" I better not be having any grandchildren tomorrow, got it?" Which made you blush furiously and glare at her, causing her to chuckle and push you out of the apartment. You searched for his apartment number and almost knocked into someone on the way.
" Sorry." You said stoically, but the person you knocked into grabbed your arm, which surprised you. Your defensive instincts kicked in, and you suddenly jabbed the person's ribs with your elbow. The person groaned in pain, and you thought his voice sounded familiar. When you bent down to see who it was, you gasped in surprise. You just jabbed Seokjin in the ribs!
" Oh my god Seokjin, I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!" You panicked as you wrapped an arm around the groaning boy's shoulder. He gave you a weak smile and mumbled,
" You've got a strong punch y/n. Do you do martial arts?" Which made you frown in guilt, but he just laughed at his own joke. You apologized over and over again, but he just wrapped an arm around your shoulder when he stood up and forgave you.
" Are you trying to find Jungkook's apartment?" You asked him, and he nodded, but then covered the back of his neck with his hand.
" I kinda got lost on the way..." He stated as he chuckled nervously. You grinned at him and dragged him by the hand to Jungkook's place. Seokjin knocked on the door, and you both waited outside for someone to open it. After just a few seconds of waiting, the door opened to find Jungkook, his hair all messed up and eye bags under his eyes, and his features lit up when he saw the two of you.
" Hey guys! You two are the last ones to come so the waiting is finally over. Come in!" He exclaimed excitedly like a little child. You giggled at his behavior and walked behind Seokjin, clutching your backpack over your shoulder. The boys all smiled widely at you, and you returned the gesture. Mr. Jeon appeared from the living room and greeted all of you before going into his bedroom. The 8 of you sat on a large sofa, with you squashed in between Jimin and Yoongi, so you all could discuss what you were going to do for the sleepover.
" I have it all planned out. We are first gonna have a horror movie marathon," which earned a few groans from Hoseok and Seokjin, but Jungkook continued, " I don't think we have to sleep early because tomorrow is luckily a public holiday for some reason." Everyone cheered because nobody wanted to go to school.
" What will we do if we're gonna stay up late?" Taehyung asked in excitement, and Jungkook replaces his wide grin with a smirk.
" We'll play some games like truth or dare, or even 7 minutes in heaven."

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