Chapter 19

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The dinner was to take place at one of the fanciest Japanese restaurants in town, and you had no idea why the parents would waste so much money just for food. You could've eaten something really cheap and you would've been satisfied. When it's comes to food, you could literally eat ANYTHING. Since it was a really elaborate place, you thought that you should dress up a bit. You didn't want to look like a drab at one of the nicest places ever, even if you didn't really care about your looks most of the time.
After taking a quick shower, you wore a really pretty dress you didn't know was in your closet, and it looked like this:

After taking a quick shower, you wore a really pretty dress you didn't know was in your closet, and it looked like this:

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After applying just a bit of makeup, you were ready. You stared at yourself in the mirror, and the first thought that came to your head was,
I'm never wearing this again.
You had a little bit of time left to do your hair, which was tied in a near updo. When you walked out of your room, your mum stood there in shock and awe because her anti social daughter who loved jeans and T-shirts, was finally wearing a beautiful dress. She almost cried tears of happiness before you told her you were never going to wear it again. She rolled her eyes at your attitude, but then suddenly remembered something.
" By the way, I'm not dropping you this time. Mr. Park and-" but she wasn't able to finish her sentence because the doorbell rang.
" Looks like he's here." She said with a large grin. That grin of hers always made you suspicious, and when you mum went to open the door, there stood a middle aged man wearing casual clothes, and next to him stood... Jimin. You nearly blushed when you saw him. His gorgeous hair was combed to a side and it looked as if he spent a lot of time on it. He also wore a dark blue suit that complimented his eyes. It wasn't hard for you to say that he looked... handsome. Jimin was equally surprised to see you so dressed up as well. Your off shoulder dress matched his suit, and he smirked at the thought of you two being mistaken as a couple.
" Hello Mrs l/n, I'm here to pick up your daughter." The older man requested, and he turned out to be Jimin's father. They look alike now that I see it, you thought. Suddenly, Jimin gave you his hand for you to hold. Such a gentleman. You gladly took it, not noticing your mum's amused looks at you, and he gestured for you to wrap your arm around his. What was this? Prom? You silently giggled at the thought as Jimin and his dad took you to their car. It was a sleek, black sports car that sparkled under the streetlights. You were beyond impressed, and he seemed to notice.
" It's a nice ride, don't you think?" He asked, and you nodded in agreement. He opened the door for you before he got in, and once his dad started the car, you were off to your date with 7 boys.

Thankfully, the car ride wasn't that awkward. You conversed with Jimin about normal things that friends talk about, and his dad asked you about how school was and stuff like that. It wasn't boring, at least.
" So, are things ok between you and Jessica?" Jimin questioned, although the mention of her name made your blood boil. She was that evil bitch who loved to torment you because you were better than her at everything. She once insulted you in front of the maknaes, but they said some things that probably broke her heart. She obviously had a thing for the new boys.
" We aren't on good terms, and we will never be if she continues to behave like that." You angrily explained, looking out the window. Even Jimin was pretty mad when she said those things about you that weren't even true.
" I don't like the way she talks to you. It hurts me to know that people hate such a nice person like you. Next time she offends you, I'll be by your side, so don't worry." He exclaimed with a kind smile. He's such a pure mochi angel.
" Hey kids, we're here." You heard Jimin's dad inform you both as he stopped in front of the entrance.
Jimin got out first, and he waited for you so you could link your arms together again as you walked into the restaurant.
"I'm gonna show my hyungs what's mine." He thought mischievously as he studied your adorable, innocent features.

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