Chapter 9

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You and Namjoon were in the library together, working on your project.
" So, what exactly are we doing? I probably wasn't listening to what Ms Sara said." You stated jokingly, and he chuckled softly before explaining.
" It's a PowerPoint presentation on the human body, I think." He noticed your disgusted expression, " I know, it's a boring topic." And then you both started laughing. It was fun to be around this intellectual and unnaturally tall person, and you could've stared at his adorable dimples all day. Wait, what?
You shook that thought out of your mind, and focused on researching facts for the project.

The library was filled with awkward silence for a moment, until you heard a exasperated voice behind you.
" Emma, can you stop hogging my personal space?"
Yoongi, whose partner turned out to be the athletic blonde Emma, was trying to push her away. She was clinging onto his arm, and he kept trying to get her off. You and Namjoon were completely amused by the scene in front of you, and then both of you quietly started snickering.
" Poor Yoongi, hyung's got himself caught in a sticky situation." He whispered to you, and you nodded in agreement. You both were so focused on Emma and Yoongi that you didn't even notice how close the two of you were. Your faces were just inches apart, and when Namjoon turned to look at you, he blushed a deep shade of red, and you did the same. Both looking in opposite directions, you cleared your throat and suggested,
" I think we should continue our research."

Time passed very slowly, and thankfully, there was still a bit more work left to do, but then suddenly, a thought came to your head.
I need to ask Namjoon about the boys' feelings!
You looked at him and studied the details on his face; his deep and meaningful eyes showed intelligence and interest, but his face was stoic and expressionless. This conversation is going to be so awkward, you thought nervously. Taking a deep breath, you managed to say,
" Hey Namjoon, can I ask you an important question?"
It caught his attention that you were trying to speak to him, so he looked at you.
" Ask anything you want, y/n." He replied kindly with a patient look on his face.
" I know this might sound ridiculous but... do you and the other 6 have a crush on me?" You questioned seriously, staring straight at him.

Namjoon widened his eyes and blushed a bright fire engine red, probably the reddest you've ever seen.
" H-how did you k-know?" He stammered quietly, and this time it was your turn to be surprised.
" Wait... so Kaila was right?!" You whisper shouted, and Namjoon looked like he was on the verge of fainting.
" Who else knows about it?" He asked sheepishly.
" Kaila, Senethmi, Lauaa, Talisa and even my mum!" You responded, and he gulped when you mentioned the last person. He was trying his very best to avoid making eye contact with you.
" So, what do you say?" He queried, crossing his fingers behind his back. You tapped your chin with your finger, and eventually, an answer came to your head.
" Honestly, I really like all of you." You replied, which made Namjoon sigh in relief, " But I don't if I can choose between you all."
That response made him frown.
" That's true." He agreed sadly, and you bit your lip in guilt.
" Anyways, can you keep this a secret from the others? I don't want a big drama to start." You stated, and he nodded in understanding.
" But why did you choose me to ask out of all people?" He questioned inquisitively, and then you smiled at the thought.
" You're probably the most mature and responsible person out of everybody. You seem most likely to keep a secret easily." You grinned, and he chuckled with amusement.
" That is probably true, and don't worry; I'll keep this secret between us." He said with a smirk.

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