Chapter 22

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At Jungkook's house...

" What are your worst subjects? We can do them first and get it over with." You suggested to him, and he understandingly nodded.
" My worst subject is English. In my old school, I once got 4 out of 100 for an English test." He shamefully stated, and you gave him a reassuring pat on the back. Both of you were in his room, sitting at his study desk. The table was piled up with stacks of unfinished homework that you needed to help Jungkook with. Suddenly, Mr Jeon entered the bedroom, asking if we wanted some snacks, because apparently, Jungkook needs to eat every 5 minutes.
" Yeah dad, could you bring some cookies ( see what I did?😏) and chocolate milk?" Jungkook asked, and his father nodded as he went back outside to get the food.

You were both studying for a while until Mr Jeon came back again, this time with the snacks Jungkook wanted. Surprisingly, Jungkook was quite good at English now, probably because he practiced a lot before transferring to a new school.
" Wow Jungkook, I underestimated your skills in English. You're actually pretty good! Did you study really hard after you got your test marks?" You questioned, in a kind of teasing way, and he blushed before nodding.
" My parents didn't really push me or anything, it's just that I tend to push myself if I do something wrong." He explained shyly, and you gave him a warm smile. You drank some milk and took a bite out of your cookie before continuing to study other subjects.
" So, what's your other worst subject?" You asked again, and this made him think for a while.
" Hm... maybe it's maths." He answered, and you nodded.
" Luckily, maths is my best subject so it'll be much easier for me to teach you. But it's really hard to teach Lauaa and Senethmi because they can be so dumb sometimes." You joked, and Jungkook giggled quietly.
" They can't be that bad. I thought Senethmi was smart." He said curiously, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
" Senethmi's ok, but then Lauaa is another problem. She's smart when it comes to things like assassination and psychology." You explained mindlessly, and Jungkook looked extremely confused, and a little scared.
" I shouldn't have asked." He playfully murmured, and you both laughed. But then you suddenly remembered something.
Lauaa has a crush on Jungkook, and I'm studying with him. Senethmi has a crush on Jimin, and I kissed him last night! They're gonna kill me if they find out.
Jungkook noticed your sudden silence, and he said something extremely unexpected after that.
" You're thinking about Lauaa aren't you? I know she has a crush on me."

Your eyes widened in shock and surprise. Jungkook knew?!?!
" H-how long have y-you k-known??" You stuttered nervously, and he laughed at your anxious state.
" I'm actually used to it. So many girls have confessed to me in my old school, but I turned them all down. And I found out when Kaila, Senethmi and Lauaa were talking to you about it." He explained with a bored look on his face, and you gulped.
" Well, what do you think about Lauaa?" You asked curiously, and he thought for a while.
" I guess I do like her," and his answer made you sigh in relief, but he continued, " I just don't like her in that way." You looked down, feeling terribly guilty because Lauaa literally just got rejected without her even knowing it. Jungkook saw your sad expression, and awkwardly tried to wrap his arm around your shoulder.
" It's very nice of you to think about your friend's feelings, even though the person she has a crush on already likes someone else." He stated, and you looked up at him, confused. Suddenly, Jungkook lips connected with yours for a short time, and you just stood there, frozen in time and space. He realized his actions and then blushed furiously, but then surprisingly smirked afterwards.
" This is what you get for stunning me when you kissed my cheek." He teased, but he noticed your shocked expression and he apologized.
" It's alright, this isn't the first time that I've been surprised like that." You blurted out, but when you saw his perplexed face, you immediately realized the mistake you made.
" What do you mean?" He asked inquisitively, but before you could lie about your answer, the bedroom door opened to reveal Mr Jeon and your mum.
" I'm here to pick you up y/n. I hope you're both done with studying." Your mum said, and you rapidly nodded your head, trying to get out of the awkward situation. Before you got up to leave, Jungkook grabbed your wrist and gave you a tender hug, which made you flinch, but you gave in; feeling a bit guilty. You're just too nice to them y/n!
You waved goodbye to him after the hug and thanked Mr Jeon for inviting you before you left his apartment.

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